Sunday Post: People

By Vladimir Brezina

Jakesprinter‘s Sunday Post theme this week is People.

Here are photos that I took on four different occasions in New York City over the past couple of years…

What do you think these people are doing? I’ll post the answers later, but in the meantime…

… the answer is here. (Answer September 26, 2012: They are photographing Manhattanhenge.)

… the answer is here. (Answer September 26, 2012: That’s Johna and a couple of kayaking friends, struggling back into their drysuits after a restaurant meal during an unplanned, comical visit to Red Hook, Brooklyn.)

… the answer is here. (Answer September 26, 2012: It’s the spinach-eating contest during the Great North River Tugboat Race & Competition.)

… and the answer is here. (Answer September 26, 2012: It’s the scary-looking ladies of the organizing committee at our local Halloween block party.)

30 responses to “Sunday Post: People

  1. Excellent work for this week theme my friend thanks for sharing :)


  2. What a great journey through the posts! Thanks, Z


  3. Pingback: SUNDAY POST : People | Simply Charming

  4. Great Shots, Vlad.
    The First and the last understood what people doing ;-)


  5. Thanks for the great photos…I grew up in NYC. :) I’m following your blog now…and thank you for coming to visit and like mine:


  6. Great take on the theme, Vlad. You got yourself a few more likes in the process. I remembered the tug boat race, but the others were before I started following you. :)


  7. I wish I’d known about Manhattanhenge when I lived in New York decades ago, although maybe the concept didn’t yet exist then.


    • I think people have kind of known about it forever—well, ever since Manhattan first had a grid—but its wide popularization, by Neil deGrasse Tyson, seems to have occurred only surprisingly recently, in 2002. He started publishing the predicted dates and times of Manhattanhenge so that people could plan ahead to be in the right place at the right time to see it. And every year more and more do…


  8. Pingback: Sunday Post: Many people and a dog – Peru | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  9. Great post. I remember the Manhattanhenge and Red Hook. :)


  10. Pingback: SUNDAY POST : Autumn | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  11. Ha! Great post, Vladimir!


  12. What’a romp! Good to catch up with some of your older posts too – you say you’re going to go way back and catch up, but it seems that’s wishful thinking – just keeping up is difficult enough to do. Great post Vlad.


  13. Pingback: Sunday Post: People | Autumn in Bruges

  14. ewwwwwwwwwwww!
    spinach eating…….


  15. Love the kid with the bowl on his head. :lol:


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