
By Vladimir Brezina

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On a Florida beach recently, lost in the details

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54 responses to “Tendrils

  1. If you had not said beach, I would have thought snow. Beautiful abstracts.



  2. vastlycurious.com

    I L ♡ V E to hate you both…awesome shots…..:) It’s just raining here !


  3. Stunning! So simple yet so dramatic and pure!


  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Lost in the Details | KnowledgeKnut

  5. Very nice. It’s true the sand looks like snow so much…


  6. Gorgeous, Vlad, like other commenters I thought it was snow first!


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Lost In The Details | Flickr Comments

  8. gingerbreadcafe

    Wow! White sand how amazing – I love the ripples on the sand beautiful pictures.


  9. very beautiful – i love the white-washed look on those twisty grasses…reminds me of one i took at Dead Horse Bay: http://yichinglin.com/2012/01/29/mirage/. but your compositions are way cooler!! (smile)


  10. Wonderful eye. Way to find the beauty in the small things.


  11. Those would make a nice series of canvases all without frames on one wall… Gorgeous!


  12. Allyson Mellone

    These are amazing photographs. They remind me of the art of Cy Twombly.


    • Cy Twombly? I think I see what you mean, up to a point. But looking at his paintings (his photographs are something else again), it seems to me that they always exhibit, intentionally, the effort it took to produce them. Whereas with these photos there was no production, only observation ;-)


      • Allyson Mellone

        Thank you for your reply if that’s you Johna. In my visual sense, I believe photographic observation to be a unique individual expression. And with a passion of practice it evolves into a refinement of interpretation that I look upon as being art. The images of the Tendrills added to my da


        • Allyson Mellone

          Sorry pressed the wrong button. Anyway, I find the images to be so elegant that it brought to mind Cy Twombly. I so much value photography because it captures a moment, a perspective, that I value greatly. Thanks for sharing the Tendrills, :) Allyson


        • (not Johna, but Vlad)

          I completely agree with you about photography as art! But I think the different techniques naturally leave their traces in the results, and should do so. So photography is not tactile, whereas painting and sculpture, for instance, are—and that can be seen in Cy Twombly’s work. That’s basically what I meant by my first response to your initial comment above.

          Thanks so much for your comments, Allyson! I am happy that Tendrils found a viewer with your esthetic sense! :-)


  13. Nature’s calligraphy?
    But where have the colors come from!


  14. Really nice! I like the way you gradually reduced the contrast with each successive photo, and the way intensifying the saturation increased the abstraction. What an interesting comment about Twombly, and I can see what you mean, though I hadn’t thought of that. Someone I worked for once had a gorgeous Twomby painting in the living room, but much of his work doesn’t appeal to me. Now I’m curious – do you like Joan Mitchell’s work?


  15. Beautiful…love the way the colours of the shadows have come out so blue.


  16. I scrolled back and forth several times. Mesmerizing :-)
    Cool shots.


  17. Wow the way you captured this is so awesome! Beautiful.


  18. I love the blue shadows


  19. I live in Florida and haven’t seen them on the beach … a least, not those colors. Are you teasin’ … ????? ~~~~ : – )


  20. Great pics!


  21. Pingback: Blogger Awards | Allyson Mellone

  22. Awesome! That looks like snow.


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