Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Treasure.

On an extended paddling trip, quite ordinary things become treasures!

IMGP2862 cropped smallCold beer!IMGP7000 cropped small

From our Florida paddle in April 2013, our kayak-camping trip to the Hudson River Islands State Park in October 2013, and our Long Island circumnavigation in June-July 2012, respectively.

36 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure

  1. Fresh fruit coming out of a pack on such a trip is like pure gold!


  2. Of course the treasure holding the treasures is anything but ordinary!
    The view from here (out the window beyond the icicles with the snow pouring down) brings out yet another treasure from your photos: SUNSHINE.
    Stay warm! Stay dry! At least till you get to the Everglades again.


  3. A wonderful response, and so true!


  4. They are lovely these pictures of your. What a joy. Johna is lovely too.
    On a hike in the mountains lingonberry jam can make the meal the best experience of the year. This is not normal :-)
    All the best,


  5. Excellent. Those really do come across as treasures!


  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure | Say It With A Camera

  7. Deliciously refreshing.


  8. Pingback: Treasures from the past | Shaking the tree

  9. I don’t paddle, but do hike, and I can completely relate to this post :)


  10. Now Vladimir: the treasure is quite extraordinary…your darling Johna.
    Lovely pictures.


  11. Perfect treasures for sure!


  12. so true! ordinary things can be treasures indeed!


  13. An orange is kind of a marvel. Or is that just me..? ;)


  14. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Treasure | Joe's Musings

  15. When you’re out hiking and it’s boiling hot. And then you find a creek of water. All the feels; you just found a treasure!


  16. I have been there and totally understand (ok not kayaking… but on wilderness trips)! Treasures indeed…


Comments are most welcome!