Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside, Take Two

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Inside. I’ve already posted one response to this challenge, but here’s another one.

The view from inside as the day begins…

Inspired by our recent adventures on Long Island.

48 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside, Take Two

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside | Wind Against Current

  2. Makes me want to go camping…


  3. Ah, the great indoors, outdoors. What kind of camera did you use?


  4. Very space age, and beautiful, with the golden rays of the sun beyond … a lovely way to be woken in the morning!


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside « Ruth E Hendricks Photography

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside | Cardboard Me Travels

  7. Great shots…


  8. waking up inside a tent, by the beach/lake… what a nice morning!


    • Ocean, in this case—much more interesting in all kinds of ways, including the constant worry that during the night the water might rise high enough to flood the tent or wash away the boats… ;-)


  9. This is special photos about you @Vlad. Fantastic :P


  10. Man – I love camping!


  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Inside | Just Snaps

  12. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Inside | Chittle Chattle

  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Inside 2 | Just Snaps

  14. Nice series of photos..


  15. Very cool photos, and great take on the theme!!


  16. This is a good one. I was also thinking about an image ‘inside a tent’ as I had just been out camping this week. But then I couldn’t find any photo of the ‘inside’. :)


  17. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside « Traveler's Lounge

  18. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside | ft. // la vie éclectique

  19. A view I would never see without your wonderful images cause I am a chicken when it comes to water travel.


  20. What a lovely view to wake up to!


  21. As an avid canoer and camper I sure can relate to your photos.


  22. What a great tent!! Nice take on this challenge!


  23. Photo 4 almost looks like abstact art! xx


  24. That must be nice! :)


    • Very nice! Just to lie there in the cool morning and look up at the blue sky and the abstract patterns of the tent roof above… Until you have to get up, and if you don’t, the sun will soon make it uncomfortably hot anyway…


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