Tag Archives: Belize


By Vladimir Brezina

Transition 1Exquisite sea shells, freshly cast up on the beach



do not stay fresh for long.

Transition 2Transition 3






They fade and break and fuse back into solid rock.

Transition 4(Belize, 2010)

A contribution to this week’s Photo Challenge, Transition.


By Vladimir Brezina

A yellow kayak, for a change…

Yellow kayak

A response to this week’s Photo Challenge, Yellow.

Dreamy Refraction

By Vladimir Brezina

Dreamy Refraction 1
Dreamy Refraction 2
Dreamy Refraction 3

Figures in the waves at dawn… Belize, 2010.

A contribution to the past two Weekly Photo Challenges, Dreamy and Refraction.

A Word A Week Challenge & Travel Theme: Island Shadows

By Vladimir Brezina

On A Word In Your Ear, Skinnywench’s photo challenge this week is Island. And on Where’s my backpack?, Ailsa’s is Shadows.

And the two just come together in my mind—warm turquoise waters, a strong tropical sun beating down, palm shadows…

Sort of like this—

DSC_0152DSC_0158DSC_0166DSC_0172DSC_0192 cropped smallDSC_0204 cropped smallDSC_0184DSC_0214

Glover’s Reef Atoll, Belize, 2010. More photos are here.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Free Spirit

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Free Spirit.

A frigate bird soaring above the palms at sunset…

Belize, 2010. More photos are here.

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Travel Theme: Silhouette

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa‘s Travel-Themed Photo Challenge for this week is Silhouette.

She says: “It fascinates me how a silhouette; a two-dimensional outline of a person or object, can suggest a story just as clearly as if you could see the scene in its entirety. Perhaps it makes our imagination work overtime, trying to fill in the details we cannot see.”


Belize, 2010. More photos are here.

Travel Theme: Oceans

By Vladimir Brezina

Over on Where’s my backpack?, Ailsa has posted this week’s theme for her Travel Photo Challenge: Oceans.

To my surprise, I find that I don’t have too many photos that really fit the theme. Yes, I have endless photos that show water that technically belongs to an ocean, but that isn’t the same thing.

So here are a few photos that, to me, suggest at least the beauty and mystery of oceans, if not their vast scope and power…

This, once more, was at Glover’s Reef Atoll, Belize, with Slickrock Adventures. Technically on a mere sea, not an ocean, but connected, ultimately, to all of them… More photos are here.

Travel Theme: Rhythm

By Vladimir Brezina

Over on Where’s my backpack?, Ailsa has posted this week’s theme for her Travel Photo Challenge: Rhythm.

Rather than music, for me just now this brings to mind such things as the rhythm of waves at dawn…

… and the rhythmic progression of dawn itself, and of words used to describe it

The sun had not yet risen. The sea was indistinguishable from the sky, except that the sea was slightly creased as if a cloth had wrinkles in it. Gradually as the sky whitened a dark line lay on the horizon dividing the sea from the sky and the grey cloth became barred with thick strokes moving, one after another, beneath the surface, following each other, pursuing each other, perpetually.

As they neared the shore each bar rose, heaped itself, broke and swept a thin veil of white water across the sand. The wave paused, and then drew out again, sighing like a sleeper whose breath comes and goes unconsciously. Gradually the dark bar on the horizon became clear as if the sediment in an old wine-bottle had sunk and left the glass green. Behind it, too, the sky cleared as if the white sediment there had sunk, or as if the arm of a woman couched beneath the horizon had raised a lamp and flat bars of white, green and yellow spread across the sky like the blades of a fan. Then she raised her lamp higher and the air seemed to become fibrous and to tear away from the green surface flickering and flaming in red and yellow fibres like the smoky fire that roars from a bonfire. Gradually the fibres of the burning bonfire were fused into one haze, one incandescence which lifted the weight of the woollen grey sky on top of it and turned it to a million atoms of soft blue. The surface of the sea slowly became transparent and lay rippling and sparkling until the dark stripes were almost rubbed out. Slowly the arm that held the lamp raised it higher and then higher until a broad flame became visible; an arc of fire burnt on the rim of the horizon, and all round it the sea blazed gold.

Virginia Woolf, The Waves

… and, later in the day, the slow rhythm of a vacation on a tropical island without internet, telephone, or even electricity:

after surfing and lunch, a siesta

for both man and beast

later perhaps a short kayak excursion

in the evening, a little volleyball

as the reef turns golden

and the last frigate bird flies overhead

(Glover’s Reef Atoll, Belize, with Slickrock Adventures. More photos are here.)

Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer, Take Two

By Vladimir Brezina

I’ve already posted one response to this week’s Photo Challenge, Summer. Here is another.

Glover’s Reef Atoll, Belize, with Slickrock Adventures. OK, it was in March, but there it’s always summer!

More photos are here.

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Nature Morte

By Vladimir Brezina

Photos taken in 2010 at Slickrock, Glover’s Reef Atoll, Belize.

Read on full-width photo page —>