Tag Archives: Yellow


By Vladimir Brezina

A yellow kayak, for a change…

Yellow kayak

A response to this week’s Photo Challenge, Yellow.

Travel Theme: Yellow, Take Two

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Yellow.

New York City’s yellow taxis are world-famous.

IMGP5507 cropped smallAnd ubiquitous! We can’t get away from them even when we are paddling around the harbor.

We’ve always wondered what it would be like to have one pass right over you. It could easily happen, in the dense rush-hour traffic. After all, they have schedules to keep. And we do hear them on the radio referring to us as “speed bumps”…

Here one of our friends is trying to get a feel for it ahead of time ;-)

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(The first “Yellow” post was here.)

Travel Theme: Yellow

By Vladimir Brezina

DSC_0014 cropped smallAilsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Yellow.




Channeling Georgia O’Keeffe

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More photos are here. And a second “Yellow” post is here.

Capture the Colour 2013—Results!

By Vladimir Brezina

A month ago I submitted, at the last minute, my entry for Travel Supermarket’s 2013 Capture the Colour competition—five photos that best captured the colors red, blue, green, yellow and white.

The results are out, and my Yellow photo, although it did not win, did, quite unexpectedly, make it into the top three!

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That’s an improvement over the year before, when my Green photo only made it into the top eleven. So things are moving in the right direction. ;-)

Do take a look at the winners of this year’s competition—some of them are quite lovely!

Capture the Colour 2013

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa of Where’s my backpack? has nominated us to take part in Travel Supermarket’s Capture the Colour competition.  Ailsa herself has entered some great photos—do check them out!!

The rules are simple: “publish a blog post showcasing five of your favourite travel photographs which best capture the colour of our five categories: red, blue, green, yellow and white.”

We did enter the Capture the Colour competition last year, and in fact our Green photo was included among the top 11 Green entries!

Choosing the photos is always a lot of fun. So, here are this year’s:



This year’s Fourth of July fireworks, New York City. (More photos are here.)


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The day after a winter snowstorm buried New York City’s Central Park in January 2011, as the sun finally came out… (More photos are here.)


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Dawn over the East River, New York City. (More photos are here and here.)


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Crab in a shell, Belize, March 2010. (More photos are here.)



Musician at this year’s Coney Island Mermaid Parade, New York City. (Story and more photos are here.)


The rules ask us to nominate other photo-bloggers to participate in the competition. However, it seems that pretty much everyone we know who is inclined to enter has already done so. Apart from which, there are barely hours left to enter the competition, which closes today, October 9th, presumably when midnight strikes in the UK. So we won’t nominate anyone specifically—but if you do wish to enter, consider yourself nominated, and hurry!! :-)

Capture the Colour

By Vladimir Brezina

The travel site TravelSupermarket is running a contest to Capture the Colour.

They say a picture paints a thousand words. Well, rather than asking you to write a five thousand word blog post, we’re inviting you to produce a blog post with up to 5 photos that really do ‘Capture the Colour’… the 5 colours Blue, Green, Yellow, White and Red.”

We’ve been nominated to take part by Autumn in Bruges and also by Untitled Adventure. Thanks so much to both, and do check out their wonderful colors at the foregoing links!

Here are our five colors:


Blue twilight closes in on the frozen Central Park Reservoir in New York City, while on the other side the ramparts of the Upper East Side still reflect the last afterglow of the sunset. February 8, 2010. A few more photos from that day are here.


We passed this metal recycling facility while kayaking along the Bronx River in New York City on July 2, 2011. Who says that industrial equipment can’t be brilliantly colored, apparently just for the fun of it? Apart from this vivid green, we saw some wonderful reds and blues. More photos are here, and the story of our trip is here.

Update, September 3, 2012: Michel, the founder of TravelNotes.org, has included this photo among his best 11 Green photos!


Heavy snowfall in New York City’s Central Park on January 27, 2011. The photographers were out in force, photographing ducks congregating around the last patch of unfrozen pond water. Against the pristine white snow, the ducks stood out in brilliant colors. As did some of the photographers! A vivid reminder why yellow is a good color to wear if you want to be noticed… More photos are here.


With a tasty morsel in its beak, an egret stands out brilliantly white in the late afternoon light. This was one of many birds that I photographed over a few days in February 2012 while kayaking along the mangrove shorelines of the St. Petersburg area of Florida. Some other bird photos from that trip are here, here, here, and here.


Red is the color of many powerful things, including things infernal. Here is an adorable little devil, on Halloween 2011 on the Upper East Side of New York City. More photos are here, and the story is here.

And now we nominate, in turn, five other bloggers whose photos we much admire (and who, as far as we can tell, haven’t been nominated already) to “Capture the Colour”:

We’d love to see their colors!

(Unfortunately, the contest has a deadline of August 29, 2012—only two days from now. Sorry about the late notice!)