Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth, Take Three

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Growth. I’ve already posted two responses to this challenge, here and here, but I can’t resist yet a third one.

New beginnings:

42 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth, Take Three

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth | Wind Against Current

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth, Take Two | Wind Against Current

  3. Glad you didn’t stop at two, Vlad! These are terrific!


  4. These pictures are amazing!!!


  5. Beautiful! The third one is amazing.


  6. Beautiful.. I love it… the first one is my favourite.


  7. Nice – love the bottom shot – what are those? They look a little like the “walking trees” we saw on Oahu!


  8. The mangroves are so interesting. They look like someone with a sense of humor just randomly placed them in the water. Great pics!


  9. Northern Narratives

    Nice photos. The last one is very interesting.


  10. great interpretation


  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Growth | Just Snaps

  12. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Growth | Chittle Chattle

  13. Mmmm…very lovely!


  14. laura@eljaygee

    your imagination just keeps growing – lovely theme entries, especially the weird growths on Glover’s Reef atoll


    • I thought they were weird the first time I saw them, too. But they are not at all unusual—to anyone on the Gulf coast of Florida and in the entire Caribbean (and probably many other tropical parts of the world), this will be quite a common sight…


  15. love the young mangroves!


  16. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth « Jacqueline's Blog

  17. Beautifful images depicting growth … I like the way you placed those mangroves in the last one – a bit of levity.
    Very nice ….!!!!


  18. .. let those mangroves grow and grow! Important buffer zones in protecting the shorelines…


  19. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth (Bloom soon little flower in the dark, by Noke) | Noke Yuitza

  20. With each growth comes a new hope, a rebirth that better things are about to come. Beautiful post!


  21. Beautiful shots, Vlad. The first one looks like reverse origami and the third one looks absolutely surreal!


  22. Thank you for visiting CtoC Friendspirations!


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