Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth, Take Two

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Growth. I’ve already posted one response to this challenge, but here’s another one:

Tropical growth in the Cordillera Central of Puerto Rico. More photos are here.

And here is yet a third take on “Growth”.

32 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth, Take Two

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth | Wind Against Current

  2. And a great post it is! The first image captures ‘tropical rain forest.’ So very soothing, with the lure of the river in the distance! Z


  3. I love that second photo with the clouds as the focus—gives a new interpretation to “growth”.


  4. Great images you have here! :)


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth, Take Three | Wind Against Current

  6. Amazing shots!


  7. Excellent take on the theme. :)


  8. Great post for the theme! Love your header.


  9. beautiful view


  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Growth | Just Snaps

  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Growth | Chittle Chattle

  12. Storm clouds are my favorite. Watching storms “grow” is something I did with my dad when I was a kid. One time we were standing in our car port and lightning struck the ground about 50 yards from us. I’ll never forget the look on my dads face or how we both laughed as we retreated into the house. :)


  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth « Jacqueline's Blog

  14. Oh, I love these. The vegetation looks very dense. I have been to the central parts of Puerto Rico and it can be very jungle-like. I am off to see the rest that you have of this area. Super pix’s …!!!!


    • Originally, there probably was jungle everywhere on the hills of the northern part of the Cordillera Central that are oriented toward the Atlantic and where the rain falls (the southern part, in the rain shadow, is quite dry). But with human settlement most of the real jungle is gone, except in the El Yunque Rain Forest where it is preserved… Still, the jungle reasserts itself with unbelievable rapidity whenever it is allowed to!


      • Actually, there are a lot of central areas that still have deep vegetation. My hubby has family in an area called Penuelas that is very, very rural and farm-like and is surrounded by jungle and deep forested mountains. It isn’t a place to travel to without knwoing the people. They all have rifles and aren’t afraid to use them on strangers. Sssoooo …. I guess it depends on how close to the cities you travel that showcases the end of something that should have been preserved properly. That’s progress for you. Hope you get to see some of those areas one day. Keep posting those great photos.


  15. I just visited the slide show. An intriguing variety of images.
    A beautiful way to showcase the beauty of the island.
    Well done ..!!!


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