Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Renewal.

75 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal

  1. all are excellent for this challenge as well as gorgeous!


  2. I like the third photo very much :-)


  3. Wonderful shots Vladimir! The first and last photos are my favorites


  4. That image from Belize is incredible!


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Renewal | Just Snaps

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Renewal | Chittle Chattle

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal 2 | Cardinal Guzman

  8. Great images…the last one is stunning and really strikes a chord with me


  9. I agree – the first and third are my favorites. The first is totally amazing – I’ve never seen anything like that!


  10. Wonderful photos :)


  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal (Car Wash) « What's (in) the picture?

  12. Really great choices!


  13. Great photos for the theme!


  14. Love the top shot. It reminds me of an Indonesian island I know which is just one mangrove tree on a sandbar at low tide. At high tide there’s no sandbar, just a tree.


    • :-) Yes, we saw sights like that in Florida and in the Caribbean… And the magroves establish themselves amazingly fast. Even recent marine charts are outdated in many places—where they still show only shallows, there are already whole mangrove islands :-)


  15. vastlycurious.com

    I KNEW you would have a great one!


  16. This is very good interpretation of this challenge. Beautiful photos!! Thank you for your visit to our blog earlier.


  17. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal « patriciaddrury

  18. Great pictures! Since everyone liked the first and third one, I looked at the second one – is that the reflection of a tree? Nice.


  19. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal « The Incredible Lightness of Seeing

  20. Very nice shots !! My favorite is the 1st & 3rd photo….


  21. Love the third photograph


  22. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal = Red Cross | Humbled Pie

  23. Ah, the mangroves are a perfect sign of renewal, Vlad. Great shot of them too :)


  24. always a great pict !!!


  25. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal… | Mirth and Motivation

  26. I am curious as to where the first shot was taken.


  27. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal (2) « What's (in) the picture?

  28. Fascinated with that first shot, Vladimir….do tell me what?…. and where?


    • These are young mangroves establishing themselves in the shallows around one of the islands on Glover’s Reef Atoll, Belize. (More photos from Glover’s Reef are here.) Mangroves can grow in salt water, and seedling floating in the water establish themselves on shoals that may even be completely submerged, thereby starting new mangrove islands. A common sight on the Gulf coast of Florida, in the Caribbean (as in this picture), and many other parts of the world…


  29. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal (3) « What's (in) the picture?

  30. All beautiful and perfect for the challenge – the Belize shot is the most fascinating for me!


  31. Yes, I like the mangrove one best for the theme. Were those planted or just a new area they are inhabiting?


  32. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal « Pictures for Froghopper

  33. I like the last photo a lot. :)


  34. Really like the first one


  35. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal | Far Away

  36. Some very cool shots. Love the first one a lot. I am subscribing to your blog.


  37. Beautiful photography. Thank you for sharing your talents.


  38. Great content befitting the word.


  39. Great way to show renewwell.


  40. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal… | The Blog Farm

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