Travel Theme: Benches

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Benches.

Will these chairs do? To us, they are the image of deep summer

IMGP6175 cropped small

(Greenport, NY, during our 2012 kayak circumnavigation of Long Island)

26 responses to “Travel Theme: Benches

  1. Would love to go and sit on them right now – they look so inviting.


  2. oh yes, let me sit down too … and please bring a cool drink!


  3. Of course they’ll do! Any image of summer is a welcome one. ;-). Good job!


  4. Lovely – just can’t wait for those summer breezes on the water!


  5. Pingback: 4-12-13 Travel Theme: Benches (Road To Nowhere Edition) | The Quotidian Hudson

  6. Oh, look! You’re on LAND. ;) I say the chairs are a go.


  7. this is the place to be!


  8. Everything about this invites us In. Gorgeous!


  9. Pingback: Benches | dadirridreaming

  10. A perfect shot of summer benches. All we need is a lemonade and ice cream. Any flavor will do, thanks.


  11. I think we’re going to have a party, right there, Vladimir! Am I invited?


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