Travel Theme: Motion

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Motion.

In expectation of what will likely be a hot summer here in NYC, here’s some cool, refreshing beach motion from last year—

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On the Jersey Shore, August 2012.

19 responses to “Travel Theme: Motion

  1. I love these shots!
    I love the beach!


  2. Very cool and refreshing to look at. :-)


  3. WOW … that looks refreshing … and … fun.


  4. Pingback: Travel Theme: Motion | Isadora Art and Photography

  5. excellent photos … hard to capture!


  6. That looks like a great place to be on a hot day :-)


  7. Pingback: 7-7-13 Travel Theme: Motion (Clinton Corners Edition) | The Quotidian Hudson

  8. Looks wonderful – cool and refreshing. Almost enough to make me miss summer. But I’m having too much of a good time in the middle of our very mild winter :)


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