Sunday in the Park

By Vladimir Brezina

DSC_0042 cropped smallOn Sunday at sunset I went out into Central Park. The Fall colors that I wanted to photograph were still sparse.




On the other hand, on a beautiful warm evening, the park was buzzing with activity—

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47 responses to “Sunday in the Park

  1. Jolis spectacles de rues ! Très belle, la féerie des bulles arc-en-ciel. J’ai admiré aussi ces créations si éphémères, et d’autant plus fascinantes, cet été à Talinn, la capitale de l’Estonie, le pays balte le plus au Nord, au bord de la mer Baltique.


  2. Glad you found other colorful subjects to photograph. :-)


  3. Laura Bloomsbury

    the fall is hanging on in there here too but still so much colour in the park. Great shots – especially love the gaggle of girls in soft blur


  4. Nice set of photographs. One question, what are the folk with the bats doing?


  5. Whoa there! Didn’t your photographer’s heart sing when you saw those wonderful bubbles. Mine does just looking at your pix.


  6. Central Perk (ref. to Friends)


  7. I love The Boathouse. When I have out-of-town visitors I always take them there. No better place on Sunday than Central Park.


  8. What an array of fun, everyone is having so much joy in this park. Wonderful photos, and the bubbles are my favorite, just because of the colours :-)


  9. The bubbles are fantastic! Thank you for the tour :)


  10. what a wonderful treat on a sunday evening! great shots as always!


  11. You’ve caught so well the magic of the Park.


  12. I love your post Vladimir!!!! The first pic is just magical..How can exist colours like that, so brilliant and pure? The others are full of joy and life…I bet you had a great day and came back home full of positive energy!


  13. I really really really miss New York … and especially, Central Park. Say hello to Alice for me, if you get over that way.


  14. I was watching an old game show at my mom’s the other day. One of the questions was, “What is the hippest city in the US? The top answer yielded no surprise. NYC!
    These shots – especially the bubbles – are very hip.


  15. Love the vibe of NYC. Use to live and work there. Visited recently…could not keep up the pace. There’s a difference between being moving around in The Big Apple as a 20 something year old…and a 60 something year old. At least it is for this 64-year-old. :)


  16. Looks like a beautiful day at the park!


  17. I love Central Park. Great photos!


  18. Pingback: Our 2015 Calendar | Wind Against Current

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