A Jump Start on Fall Colors

By Vladimir Brezina

Of the spectacular Fall colors seen every year all over New York State, New York City’s are always the last to make their appearance. The city is far south, at sea level, and much warmer than its surroundings due to the urban heat effect. And so, in the first days of October 2013, New York City is still largely green.

DSC_0403 cropped smallBut if the Fall colors won’t come to us, yet, we can go to them. This past weekend I found myself at a conference at Mohonk Mountain House, a historic hotel about 60 miles north of the city, located on the Shawangunk Ridge at the southern border of the Catskill Mountains—and most importantly, at an elevation of over 1,000 feet. There, the Fall colors were already in full swing!

(click on any photo to start slideshow)

66 responses to “A Jump Start on Fall Colors

  1. Such a show of stunning color as the leaves prepare to say farewell and die.


    • That sounds a bit too final…
      I take a slightly longer view, and, with Philip Larkin, look forward to their springtime resurrection:

      “The trees are coming into leaf
      Like something almost being said;
      The recent buds relax and spread,
      Their greenness is a kind of grief.

      Is it that they are born again
      And we grow old? No, they die too,
      Their yearly trick of looking new
      Is written down in rings of grain.

      Yet still the unresting castles thresh
      In fullgrown thickness every May.
      Last year is dead, they seem to say,
      Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.”


  2. mylifeinfocusblog

    you were so fortunate to go to Mohonk Mt House! I am pea green with envy. I’ve been wanting to go for many years BUT it is very expensive. great photos.


  3. Pingback: Celebration Soup | friendlyfairytales

  4. Wow, gorgeous. It is springtime in this part of the world.


  5. Ah golden scarlet yellow orange autumn. My favorite season. Great leaves :-)


  6. Such beautiful colors, love it!


  7. Lovely colors of fall! I drove by a maple tree yesterday, something unusual in San Diego, and I had the chance to stop by and take a few pictures and pick up some leaves with my kids. I almost fell I was back in the Northeast for a few minutes!


  8. W-O-W!!!!


  9. Now I know again , why I love autumn, despite the cold and wet days and the fog creeping through the atmosphere! If anyone of you is passing through Switzerland, I advise to take a train route from Basel to Bern. The gold-red-green of the autumn forest of western Switzerland is just gorgeous!


  10. I love Mohonk Mountain House! My husband and I found ourselves there by accident (sort of) over Labor Day weekend in 2003, and got the last room available (we were supposed to be camping). Such a gorgeous place that we slept outside on the balcony on the mattress from the bed. Thanks for conjuring memories of a very special place!


  11. Gorgeous color! I have never been to the Catskills. I’m hoping to get there sometime in the next few years.


  12. A friend of mine and I celebrated our birthdays last summer at Mohonk; it is indeed beautiful. Supposedly also where Stephen King penned “The Shining”, and the true inspiration for the Overlook hotel.


  13. Lovely colours. In my humble opinion, the colours of Fall on the Eastern Seaboard shout the loudest. I do like the soft muted colours of Autumn in Northern Europe though. Thanks


  14. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words

    Thank you for sharng…
    take care…


  15. This makes me miss the fall color changes in Vermont; not that Denmark doesn’t have it’s own change, but it’s not quite the same. Beautiful pictures :)


  16. Thanks for sharing another lovely album. The colours are so fresh and bright it feels like spring, not the opposite.


  17. beautiful pictures!!!! thanks for sharing and keep ’em coming!!! :)


  18. nutsfortreasure



  19. love this fall colors!


  20. Stunning pictures. I’m so glad that color exists and that there’s people like you to capture it.


  21. I haven’t seen a changing of the leaves in the Northeast since the 1970s. I miss it.


  22. Beautiful! Gorgeous !!!! I love the light and the brilliant and pure mix of colours…It is a wonderful place!!!


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