Paddling Through the Fall

By Vladimir Brezina

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Stay tuned for story and many more photos!

66 responses to “Paddling Through the Fall

  1. Fall colour are gorgeous – jumping out against the backdrop


  2. fabulous colours in these,, ;)


  3. Wonderful pics ones again!


  4. I’m tuned, I’m tuned!


  5. Looking forward to more photos!


  6. Love the colors! Beautiful!


  7. oureverydayadventures365

    Looks great. So different to the colors here at the moment


  8. Beautiful fall colors!


  9. Fall is in your neck of the woods and it’s beautiful!


  10. Really. Just. BEAUTIFUL!!! That first one is amazing! What a wonderful ride, trip…and adventure!


  11. Beautiful colors. Looking forward to more pictures. Its raining here and not been as cold so we don’t have as many colors.


  12. Outrageous colors …. so very pleasing to the eyes. I love when the tree change colors. Great photos … thanks for posting since I don’t get to see that in Florida. ~~~~~ : – )


  13. Looking forward to the story. Love the colours.


  14. Such a beautiful colours! Autumn is so awesome!


  15. beautiful pictures!!! thank you! very much looking forward for more!


  16. The only thing that could equal that would be doing the same on horseback. Gorgeous! Is it still that bright in New York? It’s past peak here and going bare quickly.


    • This was in the Hudson River valley about a hundred miles north of NYC, where the colors are pretty close to peak (although not great this year according to those who live there). In NYC, we are still well short of peak—the best is yet to come! :-)


      • New York is about two weeks behind central Massachusetts, but spring is just about a week earlier. The lilacs bloom in New York around May 7th, but here around the 14th. Funny about the seasons. I hope you have a glorious fall.


        • NYC is abnormally southern because it is abnormally warm :-)


        • That is definitly not the problem here. It’s pretty cold. We’re getting freezes at night and I had to turn the heat on. I hate having to turn the heat on this early, but I was up to my third sweater and still cold. Drat. I could do without winter forever.


        • In NYC it’s been very comfortable so far—mostly in the 60s, and not really much below the 50s at night—whereas, scanning the NWS forecast map, just a few miles to the north there are freeze warnings. There is some advantage in having so many humans, and their machines, packed so close together :-)


  17. I just wanted to insert a comment on climate change: I know that the world on the whole is warmer, but not every place is equally affected — or in the same way. We’ve actually been getting MORE snow and very bitter, early, long winters. I’m told that this too is part of the whole climate change syndrome, but as a personal preference? I would be happy with less snow. None would be fine with me.


    • New Yorkers love their snow!

      … the first day, anyway. After that, all bets are off! If the snow isn’t cleared pronto, the mayor doesn’t get re-elected, and worse… ;-)


      • I know. Grew up there along with my husband. Queens, to be exact, then Hofstra University, then lived in Hempstead for another 20 years until I moved to Israel for a decade, then to New England. I know it well :-) Boston is that way about snow clearing. Here, they’re pretty good about it because so much snow. A LOT more than NY. We get more snow than Montreal. We get buried.


  18. nutsfortreasure

    Is that not grand! I am getting the most I can out of the last season I speak of :)


  19. You always seem to be in the right place at the right time! Special!!


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