Weekly Photo Challenge: Window

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Window: “Windows … are portals into the world’s stories. Glimpses into other people’s lives.”

From our window in the big city, we see ten thousand other windows light up as dusk falls—ten thousand stories all around us. It’s touching to realize, as a general proposition, that they are there.

But ten thousand are too many. There’s no special reason to look into one lighted window or another. And nobody worries about being the one among ten thousand that somebody might be watching. This is the big city. Hardly anybody even bothers to lower their blinds…

DSC_0060 cropped small

72 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Window

  1. The street looks lit up like a dance floor. Wow! city lights from a window. :)


  2. What a great way of putting it… life in a city is very much as you say, agreed upon anonymity to withstand living in such close quarters. And the tie in with windows is awesome! The photo is terrific as well, such great color.


  3. WOW!!! Fantastic shot…very cool photo!


  4. Wicked view! What a dream. Great shot.


  5. I love the observation that few bother to close their blinds…


  6. A superb cityscape, an encapsulation of New York.


  7. Great shot and narrative, Vlad. Reminds me of an old TV show — Naked City. It closed with this line: “There are eight million stories in the Naked City. This has been one of them.” It is too many too much. That’s why neighborhoods are one good way to understand the city. Some people rarely leave their neighborhood. Huge cosmopolitan city made up of many provincial neighborhoods. Any other way would be even more impossible.


  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Window | A mom's blog

  9. Uhm, Vladimir, … being tied up in a northern suburb of Houston at the moment, may I suggest you check out a couple specific windows on the east side of the High Line, somewhere in the 20’s? Just because it’s funny, there’s this one which obviously decided to offer an aggressive response to voyeurism … .

    And at this place, could I ask you to check out a couple apartments immediately to the right, after dark? The shades are wide open in the daytime (I didn’t take a daytime pic) and I couldn’t help wondering whether they’re wide open at night too.


  10. This is excellent Vladimir – both the image and the sentiments.


  11. “Agreed upon anonymity” has practical limits on accomplishment, even when all parties are willing.

    Sometime in the 80’s, in my 2nd-floor apartment of 15 years on Charlton [“Prince”] St and 6th Ave, where my picture window faced out the back of the building over 4 or 5 back yards of historic district Federal-style houses before further view was blocked by an apartment building next to WNYC’s current studio, I only remember one night when I couldn’t sleep.

    I got up about 2:30a.m. and sat in my completely dark living room for a few minutes, looking out over the back yards of the adjacent houses. Suddenly, a light flickered in a large third-floor window of the apartment building 100 feet away. Only flickered for a few seconds, because that’s all it took for the completely nude woman standing squarely in the middle of the window to light her cigarette. That’s all I know, though I’ve pondered the statistical odds of that. Unexpected things come to those who are statistically selected at random.


    • Yes, that’s the classic experience, à la Rear Window, and I was expecting something like that when we moved in here. And it’s certainly possible even here—especially if you have binoculars ;-) But these high-rises are set far enough apart that watching is rather unimpressive and unproductive. Disappointing, really… :-)


  12. Sweet as a Picture

    So many windows! :-)


  13. Great city view… nice shot.


  14. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Window (2) Rotterdam | What's (in) the picture?

  15. Pingback: Windows onto the World! | Through the Eye of Bastet

  16. nutsfortreasure

    Nicely done! As a trucker I used to watch the world wake up one light at a time :)


  17. Pingback: Windows | Words 'n Pics...

  18. lovely photo……a classic night life shot! :)


  19. Window against current!


  20. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Window | Stefan Praetorius Naurin

  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Window | WoollyMuses

  22. Interesting perspective about no one bothering to lower their blinds. We found these huge high rises in China this summer, and it seemed that some windows never even got to see the sun — there were so many built one beside the other!


    • The high-rise buildings in our neighborhood are far enough apart that, looking out of the window, your first impression is of the whole building rather than any individual window. But yes, the old tenements in NYC were just as you describe…


  23. Great view. Now we can see why you kayak in wild places…


  24. Wow! Is this the view you enjoy every day? Magnificent!


  25. I love the colors and motion in this shot – beautiful!


  26. Wow, what a view!


  27. Wow, that’s a lot of windows! I love the restricted palette in this shot.


  28. Enjoyed the observation and the photo. Beautiful view.


  29. What a dramatic life’s perspective you have… From skyscraper to centimeters above the water… all city-dwellers should have such balance!


  30. Pingback: Windows on the World #3 | Through the Eye of Bastet

  31. Amazing photo and great interpretation of the theme! I love it!


  32. Pingback: Window without a view | See Diving

  33. Reminds me a bit of Dubai; lovely photo :)


  34. Great post; I really like your insight on the privacy afforded to individuals in the big city without their having to close themselves off from the outside world…that in their sheer numbers as a whole, the individual remains obscure, protected. I used to drive to a certain hilltop overlook in California to watch all of the city lights below and wonder what each person must be doing at that moment–watching TV, doing the dishes, answering the phone, suffering domestic violence, celebrating, enduring loneliness…with all those windows there must be an enormous variety of scenarios!


  35. Pingback: Rear Window | Wind Against Current

  36. I adore Bob’s Peeping Tom…as for you Vladimir, small wonder Johna and yourself spend so much time on the water!
    I live where the only windows in sight are my own. I see the moon and the stars at night when the skies are clear, mirrored, if I’m lucky, in some animal’s eyes.
    Did Walter de-la-Mare once live in a like place?

    Hope you’re no longer confined, by the way…though with a Grace-like Johna minding you…….? Nice post, keep well. :-)


Comments are most welcome!