Our 2014 Calendar

By Vladimir Brezina and Johna Till Johnson

It’s almost the end of January, and we’re still looking up at that blank space on the wall where our 2014 calendar should be. But we aren’t going to buy one. Rather, like last year, we are going to make our own, selecting from Vlad’s photos those that seem to us to best capture the feeling of each month.

Now, finally, it’s done, and we’ve sent the calendar off to Shutterfly to be printed.

Here are the photos that we’ve selected:


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Flow on, river! flow with the flood-tide, and ebb with the ebb-tide!
Frolic on, crested and scallop-edg’d waves!
Gorgeous clouds of the sun-set! drench with your splendor me, or the men and women generations after me

Walt Whitman, Crossing Brooklyn Ferry


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If you’d like to see what the complete calendar looks like—or order a copy for yourself, as some readers were interested in doing in 2013—click here.

(We don’t make any money from the purchase, and you need to create a Shutterfly account in order to complete the purchase. Also note that the calendar has a few personal entries—our birthdays, and two major professional conferences—along with standard holidays, birthdays of famous figures, and phases of the moon for use in planning our paddle trips.)

55 responses to “Our 2014 Calendar

  1. Great idea for your calendar. Your cover, March and May images are especially wonderful.


  2. I love your calendar idea. I create photo books for each of my grandchildren through Shutterfly each year or for their special occasions. You have inspired me to do a calendar as well. I was born in October so I am especially fond of that photo.



    • Johna Till Johnson

      I LOVE that photo. I think it’s my favorite. You should definitely do a calendar (it’s not too late)–and happy October birthday, in advance!


  3. Wow! I am always impressed with your photos!
    Go pro- have a show :)


  4. Superb set – favourite is February


  5. Great idea and impressive photographs.


  6. Only room for one calendar on the boat, and my friends give me their calendar every year, but I am going to return to your gorgeous images to share with friends often. And thank you for the WW quote that fits perfectly!


  7. Love the cover, January, and December best. Such great photos. And you can relive the year each month with your memories!


  8. Beautiful calendar. Well done :-)
    All the best,


  9. Great idea. I like August the best though I’m titilated by June. I hope your inadvertent weather forecasting is accurate…


  10. Oh I did this and gave some friends and family copies as Christmas presents. Now I have those who didn’t get one asking for one :-)
    I adore your Feb and May shots…..glorious light and colour in both.


  11. It is absolutely beautiful…The pics are so great…I love January,March, May and October!!!


  12. How clever and beautiful! Btw. When did the Freedom tower (is that it is called?) finish. It looks done or are they still working on it? Just wondering. I went to the 911 Memorial a year or so ago and it was half way done. :)


    • In November—

      there was still some construction toward the top on one side, as you can see, although the roof and spire were finished.

      And the 9/11 museum—the interior displays, as opposed to the open-air sections—is set to open this spring, I understand.


  13. Really like August and November!


  14. That January photo is great!


  15. Great idea! What a beautiful calendar.


  16. nutsfortreasure

    Wonderful choices so much gorgeous color! Best of luck on your sales!


  17. Great looking photos! Looks to me like it is worth waiting for.


  18. Each image is more stunning than the next!


  19. I like it but I am guessing it took awhile to narrow down your choices :)


  20. Beautiful photos choices! I did one of these for my mother a few years ago, mostly using photos of her grandchildren. It’s fun sorting through to choose just the right pic for each month. Your January sums up this month in the Northeast US for sure!


  21. a brilliant idea, and wonderful images, thanks for the link Vlad :)


  22. Pingback: Our 2015 Calendar | Wind Against Current

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