Weekly Photo Challenge & Travel Theme: Spring Close-up, Take Two

By Vladimir Brezina

The first dropped ice cream of Spring on Fifth Avenue—

DSC_0398 cropped small

In response to this week’s Photo Challenge, Spring!, and Ailsa’s travel theme, Close-up. The first response was here.

37 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge & Travel Theme: Spring Close-up, Take Two

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge & Travel Theme: Spring Close-up | Wind Against Current

  2. George Fatula

    Great shot!


  3. Sad, but hahahahaha! Way to grab hold of a photo-op! :)


  4. That deserves a prize. If you were me I’d choose and ice cream. Great shot. Beautifully spotted and captured.


  5. Brilliantly observed…


  6. now this was just cool. simple, artsy – and feels spring like – three stars my friend. :)


  7. Awesome photo! I’m kinda worried about the person who ate the icecream though – lots of weird colouring chemicals roaming about inside them.


    • Yes, I was thinking that this might have been an ice cream best dropped…


      • ha ha :-) … although it didn’t look as though there was much left.


        • If I’d dropped it myself, I would have left a lot more—to make a better photo and probably also because I couldn’t stand the taste :-)


        • :-) I can’t quite imagine what “food” that shade of blue (or green) could possibly taste like, but I’m guessing it’s not something I’d go for!


        • Oh, the taste has nothing to do with the color—they are quite different chemicals… :-)

          But I remember liking things like that when I was little. Don’t you? My father could only shake his head…

          When I was a child, I thought as a child…


        • Don’t they try to “colour-code” processed foods so that like yellow coloured food will “taste” like pineapple or lemon (rather than spinach, or mushrooms)? But you’re right; I probably liked bright coloured food as a child. I certainly remembered liking pink and red jellybeans. I tried a couple recently and they tasted different (for whatever reason).

          I’d hate to totally give up childish ways though :-)


        • Processed foods are one thing, but the flavors in ice cream are quite another. There is no banana, say, or cherry, in there at all, processed or otherwise. Instead, they’ve tried to reproduce the natural flavor with just one chemical. Sometimes it’s close (banana), but more often not (strawberry, cherry…).

          Yes, those childish things keep coming back…


        • :-( the more I learn about the food industry, the more I appreciate old-fashioned, homemade, raw, etc. I’ve been reading Michael Pollan’s ‘In Defense of Food’ and I love his suggestion that if Grandma wouldn’t recognise it as food, don’t eat it. Not sure if that quite works with ice-cream though.

          Thanks for enlightening me :-)


        • I certainly can see—and taste!—the difference between food and “edible foodlike substances” :-)


  8. Great concept. Funnily I have a similar photograph with almost identical ice cream colours but with less distribution of disappointment. Regards Peet


  9. Love the framed abstract view! Well spotted


  10. “Coney Island” flavour? :D


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