Travel Theme: Unexpected

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Unexpected.

We were expecting a peaceful paddle through autumnal marshes and creeks. We were certainly not expecting the locals to put up such strong resistance—

Local defenses

Come to think of it, we’ve already had Unexpected as a photo challenge theme. Here‘s another fellow who was quite prepared to defend his turf :-)

65 responses to “Travel Theme: Unexpected

  1. Brings back recollections of the movie “Deliverance.” Do I hear banjo music coming from the shoreline?


  2. Hehehe…. this is one superb image for the challenge :)


  3. Oye – what’s to like, until/if you can focus of the foliage?!


  4. Good grief.
    It’s hunting season… DUCK!!!


    • Not duck—deer! ;-)

      Yes, it was duck-hunting season, but he said he was hunting deer, with his bow and arrow…


      • I tried that once, on a small Michigan river, from my kayak which at the time (circa 1980) was known as a slalom (whitewater) boat.
        While there were many deer down on the riverbanks during the day, it never worked. Being right handed I could only shoot the bow off the port side, and the deer were inevitably off the starboard. That and as soon as I dropped the paddle to pick up the bow, the squirrelly little boat would begin to spin.
        I did much better duck hunting from kayaks in later years… after the first broadside volley which nearly capsized me from the recoil of my old 12 gauge. Live and learn and then give up such nonsense. Imagine an Inuit with a walrus on the end of his harpoon line…


        • Deer-hunting with a bow from a whitewater boat—there‘s quite an image :-)

          In his case, I think, the canoe was just a means of transport—he would get out onto land to do the actual hunting…


  5. Wow hopefully a posed photo Vlad. Yikes definitely unexpected.


  6. Looking a bit closer, I can’t help but notice that there is a shotgun barrel pointing off the port bow…


    • sorry, amidships to port…


      • OK… beautiful antique wooden bow.
        Behind Nimrod, on the surface and just even with his left elbow; is that a real duck or just a decoy?
        Pardon my curiosity.


        • I didn’t appreciate the beauty of the bow—am not a bow connoisseur :-)

          That behind Nimrod is neither a duck nor a decoy, but a kayak—one of our companions on the paddle. I chose this photo out of several because the other paddlers were not visible in it—almost. Sharp eyes!

          There were six of us and only one of him, and he’d already allowed the other five to pass by, so he was making a fairly futile stand ;-)


  7. Sweet as a Picture

    What the heck!?


  8. I guess the shotgun is to finish off any wounded Kayaks ;-) I guess the Bow and Arrow has the advantage of not alerting deer if he misses at the first attempt.


  9. Pingback: Travel Theme-Unexpected | WoollyMuses

  10. And I thought, it’s only me who have to handle with savages.


  11. Geez, what’s up with the animosity?!
    Anyway, great pic for the theme :-)


  12. The side view was more than a little shocking. Poor form (and possibly illegal) for a hunter to aim his weapon at a person, loaded or otherwise.
    The purpose of the shotgun unknown, not legal to shoot deer in mid-October in the southern zone. Maybe he wanted to take out a few ducks along the way or bag a coyote.
    Use of “nimrod” interesting, presumably in the biblical sense, but in woodchuck slang it is applied to jerks, a meaning very much on point with respect to this mighty hunter who would not have misunderstood.


    • I thought of using your side-view photo, Michael. The stretched bow certainly looked more shocking in that photo, but it was also very clear that he had no arrow, robbing the scene of some of its drama…

      I’ll make sure not to call anyone I meet up in those parts Nimrod, especially during hunting season ;-)

      Thanks, Michael!!


  13. :-) Good to know he had no arrow! :-)


  14. are you serious!!! even if he didn’t have an arrow, i would have been scared! now this is totally unexpected!!! :)


  15. At least his “bark” was worse than his “bite.” :)


  16. Rambo – Part XXIV.



    My goodness…why was he so hostile?


  18. Pingback: Unexpected lakes | Zimmerbitch: age is just a (biggish) number

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