Weekly Photo Challenge: Endurance

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Endurance.

Long-distance kayaking is all about endurance. We can paddle past sunset

Past sunset

into the night

Into the night

and when the next day dawns


we are still there, paddling.

Still paddling

We can paddle forever.

But we can’t stay awake forever. Sooner or later, that nap on the beach becomes impossible to resist…

Nap on the beach

From the 2014 Everglades Challenge. Story and more photos are here.

Another response to Endurance is here.

43 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Endurance

  1. I love the first picture with the kayak, the silhouetted rower (paddler?) and the sun looking as though it is balancing on the horizon.


  2. Amazing shots, especially those colours of the sunset and the dawn!


  3. Sort of funny that these are images are from a “challenge” since they feel so calm and serene and peaceful. They are beautiful images, in any case.


  4. yep u guys endure :) some very kewl postits over the years ,,,ThanQ fer ur always so very kewl sharing, bout ur enduring adventurez yes indeed :) Q


  5. It may look still and calm to you; t looks like one heck of a challenge to me. Wonderful photos.


  6. Great photos, really like the lighting.


  7. hats off to you both for your adventures and your wonderfully illustrated narratives


  8. Endurance, indeed!


  9. Sweet as a Picture

    That’s a lot of paddling. You certainly deserve that rest. :-) Lovely photos, as usual.


  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Endurance, Take Two | Wind Against Current

  11. Beautiful photos and a very appropriate story for the theme Vladimir!


  12. Beautiful photos….perfect for this challenge, true endurance


  13. Lovely photos, Vlad. It’s important to pace yourself when going a long-distance sport of any kind so you can make it ’til the end.. Having a snooze on the beach? That’s one big bed right there :)


  14. Love to kayak but have never tried long distance. Hats off to you – paddle safely. :-)


  15. Beautiful photos! You always make kayaking look so fun to do…


  16. Pingback: Papa | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

  17. Pingback: Travel Theme: Strong | Wind Against Current

  18. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Endurance | Missionary IOU 差情尋

  19. I wish I can kayak, but i need to learn how to swim first lol.


  20. oureverydayadventures365

    Lovely shot


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