Happy Fall!

By Vladimir Brezina

Wild flowers along the riverbank (photo by Johna)The Fall Equinox occurs this evening. So, although we very much regret, especially this year, Summer’s passing—Happy Fall, everyone! (Well, everyone in the northern hemisphere… for the others, Happy Spring!)

Fall colors by kayak

52 responses to “Happy Fall!

  1. O the colors are mesmerizing ! *_*


  2. Beautiful colors, including the red of your kayak.


  3. Beautiful colours. Cannot believe three seasons have passed since last Autumn. Age and all that…!


  4. Awesome pictures to start into the new season :)


  5. love the photo with kayak also…and who couldn’t love Fall with all those marvelous colors!


  6. Happy fall to you too. Lovely pictures!


  7. Call me a northerner, but I loved how cool this summer played out. I love this extended autumn which usually seems to last only a few short weeks. Now I am really ready to get out there and hike, camp, and paddle before the inevitable snowshoe, cross-country ski, and snowboard sessions. Happy Autumn!


  8. I wanna see the Fall and Winter some day. Thanks for sharing this….


  9. Happy Fall to you too! This Autum leaves are amazing :)


  10. I’m guessing you love this part of year – happy kayaking.


  11. Happy Fall! Enjoy the season with your kayaks.:D


  12. That looks so peaceful – I can almost hear the quiet.
    Happy autumn.


  13. Fall seems to have hit you earlier down there than up here. Surprise! While we have some color, we are at least a week from peak. I hope we have a long, warm Autumn. I’m not looking forward to winter.


  14. Wow, love these vibrant fall colors! Happy fall!!


  15. Lovely bright sunny pictures!
    But — still — the shades of fall are falling fast — Always something sad about that, lurking beneath the excitement.
    OTOH, so far the leadup and the happening themselves have been beautiful, in contrast to the pretty-much-dud of a summer.
    Hope you are feeling bright and energetic yourself, Vlad!


  16. I wish we had fall foliage here in San Diego. Instead we’ve been putting up with 100-108 temperatures for many weeks. Doesn’t feel like fall here at all!


  17. Have a nice Time ;-)


  18. Reblogged this on Travels with Mary and commented:
    Fabulous pics. What a great adventure! Beautiful


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