Paint, Take Two

By Vladimir Brezina

As we paddle through the backwaters of NYC’s industrial waterways, we come to close quarters with hundreds of barges and scows, many of which seem to have seen some service.

Colorful barges 1

As we brush past their battered sides, we admire their colorful peeling paint—

Colorful barges 2Colorful barges 3Colorful barges 4Colorful barges 5Colorful barges 6Colorful barges 7

A second contribution to Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge, Paint. The first contribution was here.

22 responses to “Paint, Take Two

  1. Pingback: Paint | Wind Against Current

  2. Emilio Pasquale

    Great and interesting contrast between the paint and the rust! Love these!


  3. I had a sailboat once….the salt in the ocean water is rather destructive. Had to replace many rusting things, and they didn’t last long. The different layers of paint on these old boats does tell a story!!


    • Salt water does a job on kayaks too, where they have metal parts and fittings… unfortunately we can’t paint and repaint them endlessly. So we do have some small insight into why sailing is said to be like pouring money into a hole in the ocean…


  4. Great colors! The peeling and the rust make them look like abstract paintings!


  5. Thank you for the marvelous rust-pix. :-)


  6. Ah, they make great abstracts! Great splashes of colour…


  7. beautiful colors! :)


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