More Fun with Easter Eggs

By Vladimir Brezina

The solid colors of the PAAS Easter-egg coloring kit, while very suitable for serious scientific investigation, were really just a little too plain by themselves. Fortunately the kit also included four paint-on colors and a couple of brushes. So I had a go.

Now, I can draw a stork carrying a baby as well as anyone… on a piece of dry, flat paper. But it wasn’t quite so easy on the wet, slippery egg. The paint was taking forever to dry, and guests were coming in an hour…

This is what I ended up with:

Painted Easter eggs 1 Painted Easter eggs 2 Painted Easter eggs 3

As you can see, I somehow gravitated toward fertility symbols—funny how that happens at Easter with the onset of Spring. I did think of including a few goats and maybe the great god Pan—or just naked female figures—but there wasn’t time. Maybe next year!

19 responses to “More Fun with Easter Eggs

  1. I think they are terrific, fun eggs. Certainly better than I could do.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, the three eggs with the bunnies..!! I can put in an order for next year? :D

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I bet your company loved the egg painting, as do I. My favorite is the stork.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. They’re great! I love the new metallic paints they’re including. We didn’t have anything like that when I was a kid.


  5. Those look pretty!


  6. Very colorful and pretty.


  7. Very cute, great job painting!


  8. Love the art work…


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