Daily Post: Savor

By Johna Till Johnson, photo by Vladimir Brezina

Today’s daily post is Savor. 

Ready for breakfast

This was the first cup of coffee when we camped on a chickee during the Everglades Challenge Shakedown in 2013. Nothing ever tastes quite as good as that first cup of coffee the morning after a long day paddling!

And we savored everything about that trip—even the parts that were challenging. In retrospect, I have to smile at our naive assumption that we’d find lodging in the Florida Keys on the weekend between Christmas and New Year, aka “the busiest week of the year”.

But we did, even if it was a bit unorthodox.  Moral of the story: Savor the good stuff. And it’s all good stuff.

12 responses to “Daily Post: Savor

  1. nice

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Important words Johna
    And I know what you mean about the coffee – I’m like that after a few hours of pre- and post-dawn photography walks

    Liked by 1 person

    • Johna Till Johnson

      It’s amazing, Debbie… the coffee is just instant (Starbucks Via) but DAMN if that first sip doesn’t taste wonderful! All the fancy beans and preparations at home never succeed in tasting quite as good as the one out on an adventure….

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Rosalicious! and Other Adventures – TyroCharm

  4. So peaceful, contentment personified. Was it taken after sipping the first cup of coffee?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love the motto, Johna, although tea’s my beverage of choice. I remember reading that previous post, wondering all through the narrative just where you’d wind up for the night. And when!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Johna Till Johnson

      I really wish I could like tea. I like everything about it: the smell, the selection, the ritual of making it… but not the tea itself. I mean, I don’t HATE it but the outcome just isn’t worth the effort invested, tastewise. Ah the power of childhood imprinting!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. That’s a very profound moral of the story, Johna. (As for tea vs. coffee, I found a very strong Irish breakfast tea, Barry’s, that I make in the morning, and I enjoy it so much. But after that, it’s espresso for the rest of the day) :-)


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