Tag Archives: Port Townsend

Looks Like They Made It!

Trimorons arrived in Port Townsend!

After four separate boat inspections (including the boat-sniffing dog) Team Trimorons crossed the mountains and arrived at Port Townsend. The next few days were busy doing last-minute packing and organizing, and a few other things…

Team Trimorons all together!
Logo placement #1…

There was the question of attaching the logos…

Logo placement #2

Then there was the question of organizing provisions…


Chris is a neatnik, so Christina Rose is cleaner and more organized than she’s ever been in her life!

And Jeff needed a way to remember the occasion…

R2AK Forever!

Vlad can’t wait to start eating the roast meat…


And last but not least, a couple of shakedown cruises…

Testing the spinnaker…
And testing the genoa!

Monday, June 5 at 0500 is the big start. Team Trimorons assures me they’re rested and ready!

More Scenes From the Northcountry

Up ahead: The Crazy Mountains

The Two-Thirds Trimorons slept deeply and awoke early. The plan was to be on the road around 0400; there was a slight delay as they realized they’d managed to lock the keys inside the van.


Fortunately one of the windows was slightly cracked, and they were able to use the boat hook to retrieve them. They started on their merry way, towards the Crazy Mountains.

Apparently the name is an anglification of a Crow name; Wikipedia gives two slightly different sources:

The name Crazy Mountains is said to be a shortened form of the name “Crazy Woman Mountains” given them, in complement to their original Crow name, after a woman who went insane and lived in them after her family was killed in the westward settlement movement.

The Crow people called the mountains Awaxaawapìa Pìa, roughly translated as “Ominous Mountains”, or even more roughly, “Crazy Mountains”. They were famous to the Crow people for having metaphysical powers and being unpredictable—a place used for vision quests.

The view alongside

In any event, you can see why they call Montana “Big Sky Country”….

The Crazy Mountains are getting closer….

And the Two-Thirds Trimorons are drawing towards Port Townsend….

In Washington State, they have mussel-sniffing dogs! “Finn was certified as a Zebra/Quagga mussel-detection dog in 2022”!

It looks like they’ll be following Route 90 into Seattle, and taking the ferry from there!