Reflections, Take Two

By Vladimir Brezina

OK, I can’t resist having another go at Ailsa‘s Alternative Photo Challenge on the theme of “Reflections“…

More photos from these places, along the Hudson River and in Long Island Sound, are here, here, and here.


Some other nice “Reflections” posts:

57 responses to “Reflections, Take Two

  1. Pingback: Reflections | Wind Against Current

  2. Oh Vlad, these are gorgeous. Is that Johna all the way off in the distance? And Hudson River reflections 2, the ripples and that glorious sky. Love it! xx


  3. Just beautiful, I like these photos a lot :)


  4. I especially like the kyack photo


  5. Marvellous!!! All of them …I’m at loss of words ..especially the first with mist!


  6. Huzzah! Love the Long Island Sound reflections 3 — it’s a shot that holds you and compels you to understand it.


  7. These are fantastic. Some almost look like paintings.


  8. Those are great. Do you use a tripod/timer when you are in a kayak?

    I’m planning a kayak trip soon and am in need of a new camera. I was wondering what camera you use?


    • No tripod—it never even occurred to me, actually. It would be very cumbersome. And anyway, if the photo ends up blurry, it’s mostly the motions of the whole kayak in waves that are responsible, so a tripod wouldn’t help…

      Currently, I use the Pentax Optio W90 (although some of the photos in this post were taken with one or another older camera; one I see was even taken a decade ago with a film camera and digitized later). But now I am upgrading to the Pentax Optio WG-2, the latest model in that line. These cameras are all reliably waterproof, a pretty essential feature for kayak photography…


  9. gingerbreadcafe

    I love the canoeist and the first one with the mist. I used to catch a train to college years ago and I remember passing swans on the river coming out of the mist, no picture but etched on my memory.


  10. What outstanding photos.


  11. Oh! those reflections of the clouds are so wonderful Vlad! Stunning!


  12. the third pic, canoe, is breath taking!


  13. I really enjoyed these – I thought this was a great challenge!

    Weekly Photo Challenge: (Unofficial) Reflections

    Please take a look :)


  14. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Blue | Wind Against Current

  15. Too many pics to give every one a comment – they are all brilliant! I think I like number 3 and number 5 best.


  16. Wow! Beautiful shots, but the kayak caught between water and sky is extraordinary.


  17. The lone kayaker is awesome, you can’t tell where the water stops and the sky starts.


  18. Don’t have a words to describe it.
    How the hell do you can take those amazing photo… Just like a wallpaper.


  19. WOW! I cannot stop to admiring them! :)


  20. I particularly like the Long Island Sounds Reflections 2 photo (the one with the lone kayaker out on the water).


  21. Last month, my daughter and I bought a kayak (our first!) so I’m particularly enjoying this set of photo reflections! Your first shot is stunning! So serene!


  22. Ah, lovely – blue skies and blue waters!


  23. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Reflections | Wind Against Current

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