Weekly Photo Challenge: Close, Take Two

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Close. I’ve already posted one response, but here’s another.

OK, Fergiemoto at Creativity Aroused totally got to this idea first. Check out her photo! Hers is much more beautiful. But I have more bugs.

87 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Close, Take Two

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Close | Wind Against Current

  2. Terrific photo, but this kind of closeness is creeping me out.


  3. Wow!


  4. You are way too funny! Yes, you do have more bugs, and this is a great photo! That is quite a gathering.


  5. Yikes! I am not a bug fan but I will have to admit that’s CLOSE!


  6. transplantednorth

    Yikes! What are they, they are so ORANGE!


  7. At the same as I want get creeped out by this I also want to keep looking at the details of the picture. There are so many!


  8. Pingback: Homenagem do Madre de Deus ao Centenário de Luiz Gonzaga [June Festivities, Recife, Brazil, 2012]. « 3rdculturechildren

  9. Never seen so many this close together.


  10. Wow! Perfect! :)


  11. Indeed, that is many bugs, beautiful but kind of yuck!


  12. Wow! Now that’s a close grouping that demands attention! Great work! Z


  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge CLOSE | Project 365 Challenge in 2012

  14. Yucky! But very effective in evoking emotional response. lol


  15. This is the fabulous Macrolens or Close-up Photography techniques :P


    • Actually, this photo didn’t need any special technique, just an ordinary telephoto lens—these clusters of insects were so big and right by the path where thousands of people (literally—this was in NYC’s Central Park) were passing…


  16. OMG! This is outrageous… How did you find these groups of bugs together… Also, I didn’t know you had two blogs. Great post! :-)


  17. perfect – a beauty of insects!


  18. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Close | Just Snaps

  19. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Close | Chittle Chattle

  20. Are those flying cockroaches? because if they are, i would never get close to them like that! Btw, I saw this first http://lifeofcolors.com/2012/06/16/weekly-photo-challenge-close/ and I thought her photo was already scary hahaha


  21. We definitely had similar ideas for this challenge, but your critters have wings. :-) At least mine couldn’t fly after me… yet! The orange and black colors are very striking.


  22. Nicely done on all counts!


  23. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Close | Creativity Aroused

  24. Love them…their colouring is stunning. What sort of bugs are they ??


  25. Nice catch on these bugs! Beautiful, beautiful shot.


    • There was no alternative but to take the picture ;-) And really only one way to do it, because they were behind a fence and only the most obvious angle was possible. So it was very easy, for once…


  26. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Close « The (Urban-Wildlife) Interface

  27. wow! I love it!


  28. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Close « Ruth E Hendricks Photography

  29. ok, too many bugs, too close!!!!!!!! :S


  30. WOW! Nice details! Really CLOSE!


  31. Fergie’s photo is sexier; yours is more community-minded.
    Both excellent.
    But —- BUGS. Eeeeeeeyew —- Not close to me, thank you.
    (Sorry about that –)


  32. Nice – just inspired me to post another close shot – I had better get to it.


  33. This gives me the shivers… but well done, spot on the topic :-)


  34. Fabulous image – beautiful detail and color! It looks to me like they’re building a nest (as the paper wasps near our house do) – can’t get much closer than communal living!


    • That out-of-focus brown stuff at the bottom of the photo are some leaves that died, presumably because the bugs did something to them. But I don’t think these bugs build nests—they are not highly social insects like your wasps. The prevailing theory seems to be that their aggregation increases the effectiveness of their warning coloration, but that theory sounds pretty weak to me… Probably nobody really knows why they cluster like this.


  35. I love both your posts for “Close”. They are excellent catches with your camera. Well done! And you’ve reminded me how colourful natural things can be.


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