Favorite Spot

By Vladimir Brezina

Jakesprinter’s Sunday Post theme for this week, Favorite Spot, and the Weekly Photo Challenge theme, Mine, come together in this post…

On Sunday, Johna and I visited one of our favorite spots, New York City’s Central Park.

The trees are still mostly green, and late flowers are in bloom. But subtle signs of fall are everywhere.

We saw a late monarch butterfly, flitting from flower to flower.

Wandering through the park, we made our way, as we usually do, to our really special spot—the plot of ground that some time ago we picked out as the place where we could learn to observe and to see. And indeed, we saw there…

… a belated dandelion






… somebody’s eggs





… a strawberry?!


It sure looked like a strawberry—a last lone strawberry at the cusp of fall.

We thought of how sweet ripe wild strawberries can be… And so, despite some contraindications —the strawberry plants bore, here and there, yellow, rather than white, flowers—Johna ate the strawberry.

It had very little taste. It wasn’t a true strawberry, but (as we determined afterward) a mock strawberry.

Still, it was a lovely early fall day at our special spot in the park…

54 responses to “Favorite Spot

  1. Vladimir, excellent photos, beautiful imagery and color. Just loved the shots.


  2. Great capture of color, I really appreciate bold colors against one another. When done well, the color is the subject all on it’s own. Nice shots!!


  3. Great post, thanks MJ


  4. Beautiful photography! So crisp!


  5. Excellent post mmy fr4iend for this week theme ,Thanks for sharing your stunning photography :)


  6. 👏 so beautiful!


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine | R Shad

  8. Oh Vladimir!!! So nice pics…And the first serie is so delicate!! …And the eggs….


  9. Such magical photos, Vlad, especially the butterfly. :)


  10. Wonderfull post Vladi and always gorgeous shots !


  11. Breathtaking! The monarchs are indeed glorious butterflies!


  12. Lovely photos! I especially enjoyed the butterflies.
    Blessings ~ Wendy


  13. Beautiful photography and for the life of me I don’t know how you get photos of butterflies! I’ve seen others do it but they are way too fast for me. Great job!


    • Taking a picture of a flying butterfly would be hard, I agree, as they flutter about so unpredictably. But in all these photos the butterfly was attached to a flower sucking nectar out of it—then they are still for quite a long time. Of course, you need a telephoto lens…


  14. Too beautiful, esp. the butterflies!!


  15. Wonderful post. That monarch looks freshly hatched – the colors aren’t faded at all, as they sometimes are in older individuals. I always saw lots of monarchs in late Sept & early Oct around the city, sometimes I would see them traveling down Fifth Avenue, right on the migratory path, to parts south. The eggs are very cool. I know those strawberries, too – disappointing to taste but pretty to see. And the leaf caught in the flower – love it!


  16. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine | Project 365 Challenge in 2012

  17. Gosh … New York’s Central park never looed so good. OMG .. Johna can come and play in my strawberry patch. No – No – No on eating those strawberries. Well … unless your adventurous which you both seem to be.
    I wish I wasn’t a scaredy cat. ~~~~ ; – 0


  18. Great series of photos.


  19. I made your 100th liker – the single leaf epitomises fall to a tee. Beautiful with the butterflies and the lovely lady picking the strawberry :)


  20. Some lovely shots and a very nice post!


  21. The photos are crisp and beautiful. I love Central Park too.


  22. You are a true nature lover, appreciating every little thing.


  23. I was dumbfounded with those pictures with the mirthful-winged creatures! Candid shots, very picturesque! :D


  24. Amazing photos of the butterfly, Vlad, and how very brave of Johna to eat the mock strawberry, I would have been too chicken!


  25. Hey Vlad, I really love this series of photos…when I visited Central Park I was so distracted by the roller disco that all this just passed me by :) The top two are my favourite and seem to suggest at Autumn’s transition to winter…lovely!


  26. Wow! Amazing pics. Love the butterflies… :)


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