Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry, Take Two

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Geometry.

9/11 Memorial and surrounding buildings, Manhattan. More photos and story are here.

Two other responses to the “Geometry” challenge are here and here.

60 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry, Take Two

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry | Wind Against Current

  2. Really like the first picture!


  3. these are brilliant! thanks for sharing.


  4. Love this, beautiful pictures!


  5. Great contribution for this week photo challenge Vlad :)


  6. I like the first and third pictures.


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry | Mirth and Motivation

  8. Pingback: All Things Bright and Geometrical « East of Málaga

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry « What's (in) the picture?

  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry « patriciaddrury

  11. I like the top one best of all of them because of the organic shape of the clouds reflected in the the outer square. The soft elements of sky and water are great contrasts to the concrete and hard angles.

    Great photo!


  12. Great photos. I love them all, but especially the second one. Have a great weekend. :)


  13. Vladimir – I looked down into this for years from my office…got tired of being “re-traumatized” so didn’t go in….and now that I have tickets for next week, when I’ll be back in New York, it’s closed because of flooding. We’ll see what happens between now & then, but I do have your photos to look at – the first one I especially like. The Void. Thanks for commenting on my NY Harbor in better days pics. I hope you’re back in the kayak very soon. You’ll have a great vantage point for a different view of what’s happening.


    • Thanks! The harbor is still closed to recreational vessels, Pier 40, where we store our kayaks, is not completely open, the dock from which we usually launch is sticking up at a crazy angle into the air, OSHA forbids us to have any contact with the water… but we are getting back on the water, slowly but surely…

      The 9/11 Memorial is most definitely worth visiting. It can be a profoundly moving experience, but you can also treat it, especially on a sunny day, just as an especially impressive piece of architecture to visit…


  14. I love the fountain…its water flow seems endless like time. :)


  15. I was going to use my shots from here but went with the Brooklyn Bridge instead!


  16. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry, Take Three | Wind Against Current

  17. I think you really hit the mark on this week’s category with the first one. The others are great shots as well.


  18. fourth picture is like new version of Rhein ;)


  19. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry (2) « What's (in) the picture?

  20. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry (3) « What's (in) the picture?

  21. Very powerful for the 9/11 memorial. The reflections left me confused, in an appropriate way, about whether I was seeing the real buildings, or buildings reflected in the windows of another structure, and then there are the ones that seem to dissolve into the clouds they reflect.

    Gonna quote Shakespeare, can’t stop myself…
    “The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces,
    The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
    Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
    And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
    Leave not a rack behind.”


    • Yes, “reflection” seems to be one of the dominant visual tropes of the Memorial—perhaps intended to bring to mind also the other senses of the word… In addition to the reflections in the water, and the reflections in the glass skins of the tall buildings that stand all around of clouds and other buildings, there are also deliberate reflections at ground level—

      Shakespeare is always appropriate :-)


  22. wow breathtaking photos! I have a lot to learn here!


  23. I always see NYC as having gems in the rough. Not that it is comparative to Chicago in any way, but they are different. With NYC, for me, I find that there is so much to look at if you try to do it at once. You have to have a trained eye to pick out the beauties. These are great, by the way!


  24. Hands down to this !


  25. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry (4) « What's (in) the picture?

  26. Great post. For once I am envious of you living amongst all of those skyscrapers.


  27. glass facades with reflections in them are awsome…love that second one with old buildings reflected in the glass


  28. It’s on my bucket list to visit NY and go see this.
    These photos are beautiful! They make me feel like I’m actually experiencing what you saw in person. Thanks for posting.
    Hope you and your family are keeping safe in Hurricane Sandy.


    • Yes, definitely worth a visit! (Although the security at the entrance is a bit onerous, and pointless.)

      We are fine—Sandy didn’t leave behind any major problems in our neighborhood, unlike others… Thank you!


  29. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry (5) « What's (in) the picture?

  30. Great set of photos! We were just there a couple of weeks ago and your photos just reminded me, again of how special that place is.


  31. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry | The Blog Farm

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