The Daily Light Show from a Manhattan Highrise

By Vladimir Brezina

Dawn to dusk…

50 responses to “The Daily Light Show from a Manhattan Highrise

  1. oh my goodness, i cannot figure out which ones i like most.. they are all stunning! thank you for sharing all of these! Z


  2. Beautiful images of a beautiful city!


  3. Fantastic! I like the photos and I wish I can visit N.Y. next year to see the skylines by myself!


  4. Great photos, as usual, and you know, I could almost have fooled myself I was looking at the Sydney Harbour Bridge with its fantastic spans, except the sun was in the wrong spot!


  5. Now THAT’s what I miss (of numerous things) about living high up in an apartment! They all have that “oh come and see this” effect…


  6. You have some really incredible shots here!! Fantastic job!


  7. Excellent! The city at night — a grand theme if there ever was one — plus a bonus — the city at dawn — equally terrific. And all from your abode? Way coooool!!


  8. oh my. i almost wept to tears to see how beautiful you capture the city. love them. :)


  9. New York, New York!! Incredibly beautiful.


  10. such different views to what I get to see – cityscapes and light shows but compelling all the same.


  11. Fantastic set of pictures, you two. They give a great sense of your Manhatten neighborhood.


  12. The second picture is BEAUTIFUL! Wow! Seriously jealous of your view! :)


  13. Intensely beautiful, Vlad – I love the play of deep blue and golden-orange in the last few shots.


  14. Photos are magnificent! I was especially struck by the two early morning photos. I never get up then (if I can help it) but know because I’m told by early-rising friends that it is the best part of the day. I never believed that. But your photos may push me toward it —


  15. There is an award for you on my blog.

    Blog of 2012 award.


  16. Beautiful. Stunning. I can go on but I’ll stop at: one of the best sets of photos in the WordPress blogosphere!


  17. So sensitive! If I was there, I’d have cried! Here in Brazil we have an amazing sunset and sunrise, but sometimes we are too busy to stop a little and admire what the nature give to us!!!! At the Arpoador beach, the sunset/sunrise is so phenomenal that we we always applaud it!


  18. the light this time of year is the best, and you’ve captured that beauty well!!


  19. You have so many wonderful comments – all I can add is WOW! And thanks!



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