Weekly Photo Challenge: Lost in the Details

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Lost in the Details.

Big fleas have little fleas,
Upon their backs to bite ’em,
And little fleas have lesser fleas,
and so, ad infinitum.

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But then the tide came in

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and so I could not tell whether it really was ad infinitum.

70 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Lost in the Details

  1. A bit like the infinite reflection between two mirrors? This is a great response to the challenge, Vlad!


    • Funny you should say that, Lynn. In the hotel where we staying, there was in fact a long corridor with mirrors at both ends… I was going to take photos there, but I completely forgot to do it before we left. Never mind, we are due for another visit there soon. (Actually, the set-up isn’t quite ideal—the corridor between the mirrors is too long.)


      • How cool is that, Vlad! If you go back, I would love to see photos of the effect! I was thinking of an infinite mirror scene in the 1980’s movie “Breaking Glass” with Hazel O”Conner (very edgy rock movie for its time) But today, I bought a Romanesque vegetable to photograph – that’s the one with the great fractal/fibonacci form – wouldn’t the infinite detail repetition be like a fractal? I haven’t taken my photos yet but here is a link to the Romanesque veggie (broccoli? cauliflower? ?) http://www.maths.surrey.ac.uk/hosted-sites/R.Knott/Fibonacci/romanesque.jpg Have you and Johna cooked and eaten this yet? A fractal experience :-)


        • No, we had no idea that amazing vegetable existed until recently when we saw a photo on somebody’s blog—I rather think it might have been yours? :-) You’ll have to let us know what a fractal tastes like…

          And we’ll look out for that and other movies with infinite mirror scenes :-)


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Lost In The Details | Flickr Comments

  3. vastlycurious.com

    Love these tiny creatures..


  4. It was. All is infinite.
    The pictures and the commentary – stunning!


  5. Very intense. Love it!!


  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Lost in the Details | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  7. Beautiful close up shots….loving you taking us closer and closer :-) and then all is swept away by the infinite ocean….


  8. “and so I could not tell whether it really was ad infinitum.”
    Because you can’t tell that from far…


  9. I love that little quote and your final line! And your increasingly zooming shots. Perfect for the challenge!


  10. This made me smile. I used to ignore these pen shells on the beach, but a few years ago started photographing them and discovered how amazing they are. Ad infinitum.


    • There’s always something if you look. Actually that particular beach was a good case in point. In the broad view, it was rather sterile—just broad flat sand stretching away for miles. There were just a few shells scattered here and there—but each of those, on closer examination, turned out to be a microcosm…


  11. I like special photos from details, because the show us a new view on the thinks.


  12. Strange and wonderful and unexpected.


  13. Coooool!


  14. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Lost in the Details (2 Branches) | What's (in) the picture?

  15. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Lost in the Details | Chittle Chattle

  16. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Lost in the Details | Just Snaps

  17. Great close-up photos. Love it!


  18. Pingback: Lost in the Details: Diamonds on the Ground | Beyond Beauty Tips

  19. I would never have noticed those details if you hadn’t captured them this way! Beautiful :)


  20. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Lost in the Details | Mirth and Motivation

  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Lost in the Details – Spanish Revival Architecture | Humbled Pie

  22. Pingback: WPC Tibet | What's (in) the picture?

  23. Really really really cool!!!! I love it!!!


  24. very creative rendering on the subject.


  25. Pingback: 52 Bolivian Sundays [week 9, 'Lost in the Details']. | 3rdculturechildren

  26. I’ll bet if you brought in a microscope you’d confirm the progression a long way toward the infinitum.


  27. Oh my gosh, LOVE the poem! And the shots too of course :-)


  28. Great interpretation of the theme, Vlad. :)


  29. Great!! Especially the parting shot!


  30. Oh, me thinks definitely ad infinitum. Very Moving


  31. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Lost in the Details » The Blog Farm

  32. Pingback: Daily Post – Lost in the Details | thegingerbreadcafe

  33. Great take on the theme :-)


  34. For a girl – me – it seems a bit gross but only from the subject matter. The phots are super clear and well done.


  35. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Lost in the Details | Far Away

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