Weekly Photo Challenge: Our Neighborhood

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Our Neighborhood.

Last week’s snowstorm was surely the last gasp of winter. On Saturday, the remnants of the snow were vanishing in the warm sunshine, the first flowers were peeping out from under last year’s dead leaves, and everyone was out in Central Park. I was there too with my camera (not my cell phone)…

(click on any photo to start slideshow)


61 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Our Neighborhood

  1. Muy bella galería!!


  2. Nice shots, Vladimir. You guys certainly live in one of the more interesting neighborhoods in the world.


    • Interesting in many ways—but I am sure you woudn’t swap it, not permanently at least, for the ocean and forests of the Pacific North West…


      • Johna Till Johnson

        And even in NYC, our friends in Red Hook would likely beg to differ… the Upper East Side is very picturesque, though, and has its own charm, which grows on one slowly!


  3. Pingback: Phoneography Challenge: My Neighborhood | Flickr Comments

  4. Fabulous!


  5. You’re lucky to be able to call Central Park your neighborhood :)


  6. What a great collection of shadows and reflections….I love that low winter sun :-) and beautiful colours in the flowers


  7. I love the crocuses, I haven’t seen those here yet.


  8. Gorgeous! thank you ; )


  9. Resting in the sun and reflections 2 – two of my favorites. Killing two birds … So cute. Great stuff!


  10. Lovely gallery, I love the early spring flowers.


  11. A lovely spring gallery! There’s something about turtles… where do they keep them in the winter or do they just hibernate in the mud?


  12. It looks grand!


  13. Those flowers look beautiful! Cannot wait to see some here :)


  14. Beautiful photos on a grey Monday… made me smile.


  15. Allyson Mellone

    Beautiful images!


    • Thank you, Allyson! You must have seen much the same same sights this past weekend…


      • Allyson Mellone

        Oh no. I have not been to the Park in over a month. Although it’s not very far from where I am. I enjoyed what I missed in your photographs, which really captured an essence. The Park is a metamorphose of details. I am always impressed at how each photographing the Park translate it differently.


  16. Beautiful! It’s so nice to see so many colors starting to pop up from the ground :)


  17. Fascinating and beautiful! Love the picture of the turtles getting a little sun! Nice!


  18. Pingback: Phoneography: My Neighborhood | Rebecca Barray

  19. I love how the crocuses are coming up with snow still on the ground. Also love your reflection shots.


  20. That was so refreshing! It was like a visit to the Park itself —
    Love the “off with their heads” compositions, concentrating all the emphasis on the motion within.
    Also love reflections, and flowers — yeah, a lot of goodies in this post, Vlad! Thank you.


  21. Stunning album!


  22. Very nice photo’s! Lovely to see where you live.
    Take care,


  23. A man after my own heart! DSLRs forever!


  24. what a wonderful treat vlad … takes me straight back to the upper west side where my son lived for a few years … but i did not see it in winter!


    • It’s been mostly brown and drab in winter these past few years—except of course when snow comes, but snow has been infrequent… But now it’s almost spring, and the park is waking up :-)


  25. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: My Neighborhood | From Michigan to Montana

  26. I love seeing pictures of NYC. My husband and I got to go there twice. Still, I’m a country girl, and the best place I loved about NYC was Central Park. We stayed across from it the first time we were there, and I made it a point to walk the whole park. The second time we were there we were in Brooklyn. I loved Brooklyn Bridge and the neighborhoods in that section.


  27. Wow, the puddle/shadow/reflection photos are great. And I know they weren’t easy to do. Crocus, snowdrops…turtles! That’s spring for sure!


  28. wow, those spring blossoms and that blue sky just pop here! thanks for sharing.


  29. what beauty in those contrasts! i love those first splashes of spring color, but wow, it’s nice to view them from my perch in the tropics!
    it’s time for the workers to appear, so i’d best put away the computer, as they will create a lot of dust today!
    hope its a good one for both of you!


  30. Pingback: Phoneography: My Neighborhood | Rebecca Barray – Writer/Photographer

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