Travel Theme: Beaches

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Beaches.

Walking out onto the beach at dawn

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or relaxing on it at sunset

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the beach is a magical place…

But as kayakers, we look on beaches with a practical eye. And there’s always something to complain about.

The beach might vanish underwater at high tide—

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or be painfully broad at low tide—

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Too steep—

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(full story is here)

Too rocky—

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or, on the contrary, too sandy (sugar-fine sand, no matter how magical it might be otherwise, gets in everything)—

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Too much surf—

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Too many people—

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But sometimes, just sometimes, we land on that perfect beach, not too narrow, not too broad, not too steep, with waves lapping gently on the soft sand, where we are alone, where the dusk and dawn are truly magical…

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58 responses to “Travel Theme: Beaches

  1. Allyson Mellone

    You guys can tell such magical stories :) I believe I lost you somewhere…I don’t see you in my reader.


  2. Love it! Now a bottle of wine, a little campfire, some stars, all set…


  3. What a very nice post :) !!! Especially the photos of course, but also your comments to the photos ;) ! Greetings from Anja


  4. you’ve seen them all! thanks.


  5. Fun story with nice photos. Of course the last one is the winner – I recognize it as the beaches we have found at different places, at different times.


  6. Great story telling with words and pics, Vlad! And I love that first image, so dreamy.


  7. You said it… magical! I envy you… just a little. No… just a LOT!! ;-)


  8. Tje whole post is great, but the first pic…The first one is magical….You are lucky!


  9. Excellent set – I particularly like the first – the gull turned up right on cue.


  10. Love this post. Reminds me of kayak trips where beach “complaints” included bear sign (or actually bears), wake from cruise ships, or glacial ice. But oh the joy of finding a perfect beach in time for sunset.


  11. Very nice. I like the way you show all the different ways that a beach lacks perfection, to contrast that with the one that fulfills all the requirements.


  12. You’ve seen all kinds of beaches. I couldn’t help but think you get the beach view from the opposite of most of us.


  13. Great, Vladimir!!!!!


  14. Not too narrow, not too broad, not too steep, juuuuuuust right. ;-)
    Nice photos.


  15. Pingback: Travel Theme: Beaches. | the unbearable lightness of being me.

  16. Wonderful, awesome! Really can’t find anything to say bad about beaches :)


  17. I like all your photos but the first one looks very peaceful, as well as the last one.


  18. Beautiful series of images.


  19. vintagefrenchchic

    I LOVE that first picture…great capture.


  20. Excellent, brilliant, stunning post…so many adjectives I can use:-)


  21. nutsfortreasure

    Stunning photos of another wonderful journey!


  22. like all the other readers, I also just want to say what a great blog with the interesting little anecdotes around each shot


  23. The first image takes my breath away! I want to be that person on the beach…


  24. I love the second photo. Seeing the bright sun against the water actually made me simile :)


  25. Two Goldilocks, finally getting to Just Right!
    (I love that beach at sunset, the blue and gold. I wouldn’t have budged from there.)


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