Weekly Photo Challenge: In the Background

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is In the Background: “Take a picture of yourself or someone else as a shadow, a reflection, or a lesser part of a scene, making the background… the center of attention.”

This photo seems to fit the challenge—

DSC_0105 cropped small 2

74 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: In the Background

  1. An absolutely stunning shot! Love the colour of the Amaryllis. Great entry! :)


  2. Neat, you really are in the background…and. Great contrast to the vibrant colour of the Amaryllis….


  3. Great shot :-)


  4. Nice interpreation of the theme! :-)


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: in the Background (A View) | What's (in) the picture?

  6. Very nice and the color of the flower against the muted background is lovely!!



  7. Beautiful and also a really nice idea ! Greetings from Anja :)


  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: In the Background | 2812 photography

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: In The Background | Endless Skys

  10. Pingback: #WPC: In The Background | Far Away

  11. Is it you in a mirror in the background?? – ;) Thanks for the “liking” – Great photo it is – Thank you for sharing


  12. Wait. Where are the kayaks??


  13. Hey … super image …. AND … no kayak. LOL


  14. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: In the Background | Memory Catcher

  15. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Trial 1 – The cupboard | Bastet and Sekhmet

  16. Yes, it sure does.


  17. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: In the Background (Marks and Spencer) | What's (in) the picture?

  18. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: In the Background (Next) | What's (in) the picture?

  19. vastlycurious.com

    Love this ! Thanks for clarifying the rules!


  20. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Trial 2 – Lido Café | Bastet and Sekhmet

  21. What a nice take on this week’s photo challenge!


  22. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Trial 3 – The Bakery Shop (27 May, 2013) | Bastet and Sekhmet

  23. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: In the Background (Power) | What's (in) the picture?

  24. Stunning photo!


  25. Perfect challenge response — and at last, a glimpse of the man behind the paddle!
    (BTW, I think of this post as being for Johna, my adopted exercise guru:

    Remember, Don’t Bop Yourself on the Head!

    If you’d show it to her? TIA)


    • There are other photos of me, here for instance—Johna has been insisting on including them :-)

      And of course I will point out your post to her—she will sympathize ;-)


    • Johna Till Johnson

      Hi Judith! Great post! As one of your commenters said (I’m paraphrasing).. you take your mindfulness where you can get it. I love being someone’s “adopted exercise guru”–there are days when I think that would be a wonderful second career (or would that be third? Fourth? I’ve lost count…).

      BTW I noticed one of the books on your shelf is Brenda Ueland’s “If You Want To Write”–one of the best books in the universe about living life with passion (writing is secondary). So cool!!

      And BTW #2…. did you ever read about her romance with Fridtjof Nansen, Norwegian explorer, when he was approximately 70 and she was in her 30s? Wonderful, wonderful story.

      Anyway, thanks for posting–and I am doing my best to get photos of Vlad into the blog. It’s difficult–he has this habit of shutting his eyes and opening his mouth just as the camera clicks…. :-)


      • Good luck on capturing the Elusive Masculine with the camera. Men are always writing about The Eternal Feminine, or some such. Why not have women photographing The Elusive Masculine? Obviously, Fridtjof Nansen was hardly elusive. Simply Masculine.
        What a story, Nansen and Ueland! It’s got it all, greatness and intellect and national pride and full frontal nudity. Thanks for (as it were) putting me in the picture.


        • Johna Till Johnson

          The “elusive masculine”! I love it. Yes, there’s a side of Vlad that I’ll never give up on attempting to capture with the camera. But as usual, he does it better than I…..

          And you got it re: Nansen and Ueland! As you say, greatness and intellect and national pride and passion… and full frontal nudity—so you saw THAT photo :-) :-).

          Life is stranger and more wonderful than you can even imagine when you’re very young…


  26. I think this is one of the most beautiful shots you have ever posted Vladimir!!!! Wonderful flower, wonderful red…And wonderful background, …Not only because it is you, (ejem…:)) but because the grey Works very well with the red!!!


  27. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: In the Background | blogagaini

  28. Lovely choice for the challenge, and look at you peeping into the photo :-)


  29. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Trial 4 – The Coop (27 May 2013) | Bastet and Sekhmet

  30. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Internal Reflection of the Background | Humbled Pie

  31. Pingback: The Weekly Photo Challenge: Trial 4 – The skier | Bastet and Sekhmet

  32. Pingback: WPC background | What's (in) the picture?

  33. Pingback: The Weekly Photo Challenge: Trial 5 – The skier | Through the Eye of Bastet

  34. Pingback: An Irish General… and me | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis & Me

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