Daily Archives: August 10, 2013

Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is One Shot, Two Ways. “For this challenge, capture two images — a horizontal and a vertical version — of the same scene or subject.”

At last year’s Great North River Tugboat Race & Competition

The biggest and the smallest

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Lincoln Sea throws an enormous bow wave as she overtakes the competition

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Three Forty Three welcomes the finishers

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The tugs line up at the pier afterwards

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Meagan Ann wins the line toss!

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The landscape format just doesn’t do it… It takes a portrait shot to show just how enormous Lincoln Sea is!

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And the tugs are getting ready again for this year’s rematch. If you are anywhere near New York Harbor on Sunday, September 1, don’t miss the 21st annual running of the Great North River Tugboat Race & Competition!