9/11, Twelve Years On

By Vladimir Brezina

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Photos taken on yesterday’s Hidden Harbor Tour organized by the Working Harbor Committee. Many more photos to come!

31 responses to “9/11, Twelve Years On

  1. Thanks for sharing – amazing!!


  2. So touched by these pictures. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Thanks for sharing will all of us who don’t live by NYC.


  4. I remember that day like it happened yesterday. Such a beautiful september day turned just like that into a horrible scenario. 9/11 will always be marked with red in humanity’s calendar.


  5. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos and tribute!


  6. Thank you for the post.


  7. Beautiful and Thanks so much


  8. We spent a week in 2000 staying at the World Trade Center hotel for a conference, and spent a magical day / evening at the top of the world trade tower. The memory of my then 4 year old holding his face and body against the glass window as the sun set will live with me forever. I have a christmas decoration that I bought from the gift shop up the top that each year comes out and I shed a tear and say a prayer. We were back in Australia by 9/11 but my husband, son and I were deeply affected by the events of that horrific day. My son cried in bed for many months afterwards. I haven’t been back to NYC since, so it is lovely to see your tribute photos and the light towers. Thank you.


  9. Merci beaucoup pour la splendeur de ces photos, encore plus émouvantes quand on pense à la tragédie de 2001, il y a 12 ans déjà, mais toujours si profondément inscrite dans la mémoire et le coeur. Et les 2 colonnes de lumière sont bien le signe de cette blessure ineffaçable dans l’histoire des hommes.


  10. very interesting…thank you for sharing!


  11. Pingback: törichtes Weib 13-9-13 | ~~~ nur ein "Klick" ~~~ ein Kompendium

  12. Pingback: …traurig & Nachlese 9/11 | Toerichtes Weib's Blog

  13. These are wonderful, touching photos. I remember seeing the beams of light in place of the buildings when they first went up. I hoped they would just shine forever as a memorial, a comfort to those who lost their beloved family members – and to the rest of us to help us as a global community to learn to live in peace. love, respect and tolerance. Light means there cannot be darkness. Thank you for sharing for those of us who could not be there.

    and – Nice job on the photo with all the movement –


    • Well, forever may be asking a bit much, but I think the intention is that the light beams will be turned on for the foreseeable future—but only on the anniversary of 9/11 or other special occasions. They cost a lot of money that people are loth to part with these days, you know… ;-)

      Thanks so much, Jeanne!


  14. Unforgettable memories. Wonderful photographs, thanks for sharing.


  15. Twelve years already… Seems like just yesterday. To me… :/


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