Daily Archives: September 27, 2013

Weekly Photo Challenge: Saturated

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Saturated.

This theme is hard for me, paradoxically, because I like saturated color. So many of my photos would be right for this challenge. An embarrassment of riches.

But several photos come to mind that almost embody saturated color. How about this one?

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Travel Theme: Relaxing

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Relaxing.

On a paddling trip, we don’t paddle all the time…

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Regarding the last two photos… we do seem to have a knack for finding, in the unlikeliest out-of-the-way spots, on tiny deserted islands, chairs.

We call them “dictator chairs”. We’ve probably all seen somewhere that iconic photo of the dictator—well, a would-be dictator at that stage—seated on a cheap plastic chair in his hideout in the jungle, flanked by menacing bodyguards with machine guns and mirrored sunglasses. (So as not to offend any dictators that might be following our blog, I’d better not show any particular photo of that kind here.) The first time we saw one of these chairs, on a little island, that was the image that came to mind. The white plastic chair gleamed in a sinister manner against the dark undergrowth. There was no dictator or bodyguards, but the chair was surrounded by a luxuriant growth of poisonous plants. And it did have a lovely view out over the water…

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