Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Inside.

Inside is safe

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but nothing gets done. Sometimes you just have to come out

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and engage the world.

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These are Florida Fighting Conches. More photos are here.

98 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside

  1. Beautiful photo! What a find! I always used to put the shell next to my ear to “hear” the sea!


  2. vintagefrenchchic

    Fabulous shots. Love the lighting, the moment, everything.


  3. What ever next? Great close up, strange little creatures.


  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside | OH, THE THINGS WE SHALL SEE ~ Photo companion blog to TheSanctuaryofMyHeart.com

  5. The second one is great!!!! Looks so human!!! like saying..”Hmmm, lets see what is here…But with a lot of care…Before anyone notices me..”


  6. vastlycurious.com

    Just love his little eyeballs !


  7. You have out-done yourself this time! Amazing shot!


  8. Marty Feldman it is ;-)


  9. Pingback: Inside the Window #photography #poetry | Moondustwriter's Blog

  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside (Maeslantkering) | What's (in) the picture?

  11. That’s interesting. Did they fight in slow motion? Cool!


  12. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: INSIDE | The Adventures of Iñigo Boy

  13. What?! I had no idea that conches were so appealing…they look like little cartoon characters!! Love the pics.


  14. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Inside | Endless Skys

  15. Oh my, I love those little eyes and those funny cartoony faces!!


  16. Intriguing shots! What made the ripple in the water in the first picture of the link from 2012?


  17. Pingback: Photo Project ’52 Bolivian Sundays’ [week 37, 'Inside']. | 3rdculturechildren

  18. I’ve never seen the animals that inhabit these shells before. Great photos!


  19. Great photos and you had patience to get them out. Great!


  20. Such funny photos, the second one looks so shy and yet curious. I love his little beady eyes :-)


  21. AMAZING PHOTOS. Never saw the animal inside before.



  22. That’s a great “face” in the second photo.


  23. Beautiful photographs and beautiful thought. First time seeing the inside of a conch.


  24. Vlad, this is fantastic — as always!


  25. Love this set of pictures. I’ve never seen the creature within conch before. Marie


  26. Interesting Captures Indeed..loved the.. ;)


  27. Wow, they have eyes and they look blue.


  28. Amazing. I have never seen the creature inside, just the shells.


  29. Oh my gosh. That second shot of the peek-a-boo-check-’round-the-corner conch just made me laugh. Thanks for posting these! :-)


  30. Love those little guys!


  31. What a great idea for the theme! Had a quick scroll through your blog, and overall you have great pictures and themes! I will enjoy having a better read here with time :) Thanks, for popping into my blog, so I found yours!


  32. Great photos of capturing the little creature peeping out of his home!


  33. You take the best pictures! Do you sit around and wait for them? Or do they set themselves up as you approach with your camera?


    • Well, it’s pretty clear that sitting around and waiting for them isn’t a productive approach at all. If you never go out (literally or metaphorically) and take pictures, you’ll never have any good ones. And even when do go out, actively searching for them is much better than passively waiting for them to appear…

      Come to think of it, that’s what this post is sort of about :-)

      Beyond that, we reach deep waters. Does the photographer record, or create? Lots of answers to that question, most of them contradictory. A subject for another post, perhaps… ;-)


  34. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside, #1: What’s in my head? | Rob's Surf Report

  35. Have only had them in soup . . . now I’m sorry I did. Great shots, cute critters. Thanks.


  36. THIS is glorious! Love it. Such delicate little guys, captured so beautifully.


  37. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside, #2: A flubbed double | Rob's Surf Report

  38. Fighting conches? Now tell me that doesn’t sound like a sports team mascot. But what sport? The Florida Fighting Conches vs. _______?


  39. My goodness! You got them just as they were peaking from their shells. What timing! Did you use a zoom?


    • Didn’t need any precise timing, really—they just kept on doing their thing, slowly, ignoring me completely :-)

      Yes, I think all these were taken with my telephoto zoom, in all the closeups at around 300mm, probably…


  40. I’ve never found one with the resident still living there. Great captures.


  41. Blue-eyed fighting conches?
    Offspring of Marty Feldman and a sea nymph?
    Who knew!


  42. It’s a beautiful and fantastic. Where did you made that shots ? I’m living in France. :)


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