Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light, Take Three

By Vladimir Brezina

Oh, all right… I can’t resist having a third go at this week’s Photo Challenge, Let There Be Light! (The first two responses were here and here.)

The Tribute in Light, seen on our Hidden Harbor Tour on September 10, 2013.

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39 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light, Take Three

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light, Take Two | Wind Against Current

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light! | Wind Against Current

  3. Great, Vladimir!!!!


  4. I love each of your three takes on this theme! Great photos


  5. Awww … that is so beautiful, and emotional. Do they turn that on on special occasions only, or is it on constantly?


  6. I’m glad that your shared the Twin Towers lights. I really love the one with the sailboat in front of the lights.


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light! | A mom's blog

  8. Vladimir, all your photos for this week are so intense! I love them. The top photo of the NY night scenes echoes one of the photos I used for this week’s challenge.


  9. NYC does things in a BIG WAY but I am blown away by the design they went with for 9-11 horror simply to beams of light sent straight up into the heavens. Thanks for braving the crowds to give us a look from up here in Beantown


    • Yes, it’s a simple yet powerful idea—and even more importantly, didn’t require any planning or construction, both of which, in NYC, are a bureaucratic nightmare. The new Freedom Tower, now essentially finished, took more than a decade…


  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge / B4 Retouch: Let there be Light (Khufu aka Cheops) | What's (in) the picture?

  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Let there be some neon light! | Humbled Pie

  12. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Let there be 75,000 watts of light! | Humbled Pie

  13. Pingback: There’s a sun behind the clouds… | Words 'n Pics

  14. Pingback: Sunlight | Processing the life

  15. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light! (5) | Through the Eye of Bastet

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