Weekly Photo Challenge: Community

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Community.

After many hours of lonely paddling, it’s a treat to meet up with paddling friends for an impromptu lunch…

IMGP8650 cropped small

(We’ve almost written up that trip—stay tuned!)

41 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Community

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Community | castelsarrasin

  2. Such fun to be active with friends. Lunch always tastes so much better.


  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Community | A mom's blog

  4. That looks like a very cosy lunch indeed :-)
    All the best,


  5. Looks like a relaxing moment with people who enjoy being on the water.


  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge Community Princess Diana | 2013 Weekly Photo Challenge Blog

  7. That WAS fun! So glad to commune with you :) We were just getting around to writing about that adventure ourselves. Stay tuned…and stay warm! Snowy weekend ahead. Might just stay indoors and catch up on the “drafts” backlog for once. Unless it isn’t all that windy after all…hmmm.


    • Yes, I think we’ll do much the same. It’s definitely a good weekend for catching up on overdue blog posts! I am pretty sure we’ll manage to finish writing up our wonderful Great Hudson Paddle this weekend… only two months late! But that’s nothing—unfortunately we have much older half-finished posts :-(


      • Thank you– that certainly makes us feel better, knowing we’re in good backlogged-blogger company. Why, it even fits perfectly into the “community” theme, LOL


  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Community | Joe's Musings

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Community | MythRider

  10. Pingback: Photo Project “52 Bolivian Sundays” ['Community'] | 3rdculturechildren

  11. Pingback: weekly photo challenge: community | Musings of a Random Mind

  12. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Community | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)

  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Community « blogagaini

  14. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Community (Christmas Circus) | What's (in) the picture?

  15. A pleasant way to brighten another cold, gray morning! Lunch on the water always a treat and this occasion was special. We paddle alone so often delightful to make so many new friends in one day on the water. High & dry these days, river in Albany barely above freezing and winter arrives next week. Maybe in spring we could meet at Plum Point for a run through the Highlands….or somewhere else.


  16. Wow! envious of this ‘community’ shot :D
    Nice shot indeed!


  17. A really fun pic for the challenge, Vlad. :)


  18. the community is warm and the water is blue. i like it :)


  19. Sweet as a Picture

    How fun! I love the smiles on everyone’s faces! :-)


  20. A photo with happy faces. :)


  21. Neat photo but where’s Vlad? Next time we bring a big mirror to put on the bench to bring him back into the fold.
    I’m on the sunny coast of Bahia, Brazil right now, where the idea of a dry suit seems ridiculous but the photo with the seven kayaks (and six people) is a reminder that the sometimes cold and not so wild Hudson has a warmth and richness beyond the vagaries of its physical presence.


    • My shadow is there! That’s how I often appear in my photos… ;-)

      The Hudson can be a warm and rich place, and it was so especially on this occasion, for us too. (Writeup with many more photos almost done!). But there is a limit. Next week we too are decamping to Florida.

      Enjoy Brazil, David, and let’s get together when we all get back!


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