Travel Theme: Fresh

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Fresh.

Yesterday I saw that the ground under the mulberry tree on the corner is littered with fallen mulberries. It’s that time of the year!

And that means that, on our next Manhattan circumnavigation, at a certain spot we know, we’ll be able to pick fresh ripe mulberries right from our kayaks!

Right from our kayaks
These are red
And some are already ripe

44 responses to “Travel Theme: Fresh

  1. Yummy! Doesn’t get fresher than that does it?


  2. Delicious. Reminds me of my childhood and when we used to pick the berries from a tree down the road from where we lived.


  3. Not even from market to home but from tree to bite.


  4. Sweet! (literally)


  5. Very fresh indeed!!


  6. Sweet as a Picture

    I think it’s great that you’ll be able to go berry picking — and directly from you kayak! Do you make anything with your berries or just eat them straight from the branches?


  7. Everything! about the first photo is fresh. :)


  8. You can’t get any fresher than that! What a treat!


  9. That’s fresh alright!


  10. Your BIG smile is exacting how I feel about mulberries.
    We had a huge tree on the side of our home when I lived on long island. It was a yearly treat we looked forward to. Thanks for the memories. Great post!!!


  11. They taste best that way!


  12. Yum, fresh berries. A great take on this theme for sure.


  13. Fresh berries mmmmmmm – lovely photos :-)


  14. so and did you sing ring around the mulberry bush as you chomped away? Lovely adventure!


  15. Love your response to this challenge! YUM! :D


  16. What a blessing! Yum!


  17. I love mulberries and their pie. When I lived in the Midwest they were ubiquitous, giving me many opportunities to gather what no one else sought.


  18. Pingback: Travel Theme-Fresh | WoollyMuses

  19. Fresh from the tree… That’s really good! :)


  20. Pingback: Fresh out of the envelope | Zimmerbitch: age is just a (biggish) number

  21. Pingback: Fresh as the Mountain Air – The road to and from Nagarkot | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

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