
By Vladimir Brezina

Under the Brooklyn Bridge in the East River, the waves are always fun… ;-)

Waves 1
Waves 2For more photos from this Manhattan circumnavigation see here.

A contribution to Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge, Waves.

11 responses to “Waves

  1. The second picture made me gasp! Looks like the waves swallowed the kayaker!


  2. I knew you’d have a good entry for this one! Love the two pictures together–glad it was the wave in the second one… ;-)


  3. surf’s up
    NY :-)


  4. Pingback: My Article Read (1-4-2016) (1-6-2016) | My Daily Musing

  5. That is some kind of chop.


  6. Yikes, it looks pretty choppy out there, especially the second one! :)


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