The Other Sights of Spring

By Vladimir Brezina

Sure, there are the sunlit showy blossoms that everyone stops to admire—

Other Sights of Spring 1Other Sights of Spring 2Other Sights of Spring 3Other Sights of Spring 4



But deeper in the shadows, too, if you look closely, Spring is everywhere stirring to life.Other Sights of Spring 5Other Sights of Spring 6Other Sights of Spring 7

And what’s this?

Other Sights of Spring 8Other Sights of Spring 9Other Sights of Spring 10

A A A scrap of bread stirs to life the pond’s inhabitants, both expected…



… and unexpectedOther Sights of Spring 11Other Sights of Spring 12Other Sights of Spring 13

More photos are here.

33 responses to “The Other Sights of Spring

  1. I just love spring time!! These are such beautiful captues, thanks for sharing.


  2. Vlad, Your spring is way ahead of ours!


    • Yes, spring here came very early this year. And NYC is almost Southern in that once the little green leaves begin to sprout, things go very fast—in a week the park is lush. We are almost at that stage now—in a week or two, vegetation-wise, it will be summer.


  3. Fantastic pictures!


  4. Central Park? Didn’t realize there was so much wild life – turtles especially. Grand photos – thank you!


    • Central Park is big enough to have some significant wildlife—lots of resident as well as migratory birds, many resident raccoons of course, the occasional coyote… And there is a large “Turtle Pond” :-)

      Liked by 1 person

  5. graydaysandcoffee

    wonderful photos, but the turtle ones are my fav!


  6. Love the cherry tree. I’ve got one outside my back door and I hope the wind dies down by the time it’s in full bloom, otherwise it’s a here today, gone tomorrow experience.


  7. “Baby” ferns-all curled up are one of my favorite things to photograph. To me, they are the epitome of spring!
    Beautiful pictures!


  8. Great photos announcing spring’s arrival, but I really like the dragonfly and the fern. :-)


    • The dragonfly was quite a surprise. Quite a large one, about 4″ long. I only spotted it because I saw it in flight, moments before it settled down on the tree trunk where it was well camouflaged. It remained there immobile for at least an hour—I walked around taking other pictures, and when I came back that way afterward it was still there.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I love turtles. Can’t imagine eating them. They are so zen.


  10. Wonderful dragonfly, brightens my day which was desperately needed. A darner for sure, possibly a swamp darner.

    Description: Huge.
    The size makes it almost unmistakable, but just in case, the blue eyes, prominent green thoracic stripes and brown abdomen ringed in green should remove all doubt.

    We’re stuck in gray, rainy doldrums. Thanks for the cheer!


    • Yes, it looks very much like a swamp darner. And it was huge! I was really surprised to see such a huge insect so early in the year. Thanks for the identification, Michael!

      Same here—gray, rainy all week, by the looks of it.


  11. You are at least two weeks ahead of us on the seasons this year, probably because we are having a very cold monsoon season. Usually, sometime in April, all the turtles would be out sunning themselves in the river. Maybe they did, assuming we had any sun!


  12. Love it, Vlad, dragonflies are endlessly fascinating to me, their colours are extraordinary. xxx


  13. Awesome photos! Love to see what lies beneath!


  14. I love dragonflies.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Fab photos of the turtles Vlad! Hope all’s well with you and Johna.


    • Thank you, Madhu! I haven’t been doing as much paddling as I would like due to recent surgery, but otherwise we are hanging in there…

      And we’ve been following your inspiring travels all over the globe :-)


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