Thanksgiving Day Parade 2018


By Johna Till Johnson

It was pure serendipity, as many wonderful things in life are.

I had just decided, with some regret, that kayak-camping on the Hudson during the single-digit temperatures of a polar vortex was not wise. So at the last minute, I was without plans for the Thanksgiving holiday.

A Boston-based friend I hadn’t seen in decades, but with whom I had a lively Facebook correspondence, wanted to know: Would I like to attend the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade—from inside the HBO building? A friend had a spare ticket, and it would be great to reconnect…

It took approximately a nanosecond to decide. Truthfully, I would have jumped at the chance to see her, and meet her teenaged daughter. Meeting her Brooklyn-based friend (who, it turned out, is also a NYC kayaker) would be an added bonus.

But all that and the ability to watch the parade from a high floor in a climate-controlled building? As I said… pure serendipity!

It was wonderful to reconnect with my friend, who doesn’t seem to have changed much since college, except for the deepening of her acerbic wit. Her daughter turned out to be a lovely young woman, and I look forward to spending more time with my new Brooklyn friend.

For me, these were the best takeaways.

But there are also the photos.

Bearing the colors

Run, he’s after us!



Homewood patriots

Rocking horse and float captain

Marching band

Marching girls

HBO… from the inside!


13 responses to “Thanksgiving Day Parade 2018

  1. That is so great. I wondered if you went through with those camping plans! FWIW I ended up not paddling either due to the cold. Looks like you had a great view – and friends to share it with.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Johna Till Johnson

      I actually DID try to camp, but Croton Point’s website lies—they DON’T have year-round tent camping. (There’s a spot I’m going to investigate that’s reachable from the water, but it’s not car-friendly). So I stayed in a motel and did a northward paddle the next morning–post to come!


  2. Lucky you, to be able to watch the parade from inside the building! :)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Fantastic story & photos are superb!
    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. According to our newspapers here in sunny Florida, wasn’t the temperature like 1 degree? Or something crazily cold? Those marchers were troopers b/c they don’t look cold at all!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Johna Till Johnson

      It wasn’t quite that bad, but yeah, it was like 20 degrees. And they WERE troopers. They looked pretty cold at times, like when they had to stop for a while. I just didn’t take pictures then :-).

      Also, the “Marching girls” are wearing pretty heavy tights.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. That was a cold one – you lucked out! But as you said, the best part was making those connections.


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