The Return of Christmas


By Johna Till Johnson

I didn’t celebrate Christmas after Vlad died. It was too hard. He loved it so much.

But when you have a visitor, a 16-year-old girl from Germany whose favorite holiday is Christmas and whose face lights up with glee at the mere thought of it…the situation calls for re-evaluation.

We attended the Christmas party at Brick Church, which included lemonade, cookies, and do-it-yourself Christmas ornament creation.

Clara made two ornaments.

But.. where to put them? We had no tree, and no plans to get one.

Now, it’s true that we’d agreed to get a wreath. So step one: Buy wreath, and decorate it. Clara affixed bells to bows, and added brass angels (repurposed napkin holders).

Step two: The tree.

Stay tuned!

Clara and Wreath


28 responses to “The Return of Christmas

  1. Small, but brave steps, Johna. Well done. And a seasonal hug to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Christmas is better celebrated with others. I’m glad Clara is there – she was delightful to meet!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Johna Till Johnson

      Her parents must be doing something right, because her sister is here now–just as delightful!

      And thank you again for the paddle. Photos and post to come…plan is for Sunday!


  3. Baby steps, Johna. Lookin’ good so far.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Christmas is the time for giving and loving in your name and the names of the loved ones no longer with you, honoring them with your generosity.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So you have a German Guest! Please, say “Frohe Weihnachten” to her.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Bonnie K. Aldinger

    Oh goodness, I used to sing in the choir at Brick Church. Still trek up there for their carol service once every few years.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Vlad enjoyed Christmas! Would he be sad to think you weren’t? Wishing you tidings of comfort (from Latin, with + strength) and joy, as the carol says!❤️ 🎄 ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It is so hard keep him close in your thoughts and do thing however little that was once so enjoyed I have moms ceramic tree lit and a pretty wreath but not yet in the mood for full onslaught of holiday decor xo

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I can understand why you don’t feel like celebrating Christmas. I don’t do much for it because of our travel to see our daughter. No one comes to the house and I just don’t care enough to do it for only me (my husband is indifferent to it).

    I did have to laugh though at your statement about how much Vlad loved Christmas. Vlad loved his life – everything about it. He was so enthusiastic and he loved teasing me on my blog. And I enjoyed it too.

    I miss his friendship but I’m glad I’ve gotten to know you through him.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Johna Till Johnson

      “Vlad loved his life – everything about it. He was so enthusiastic and he loved teasing me on my blog.”

      You nailed it. He loved to tease–gently, but definitely teasing. He was so delighted when we started the blog. Nurtured it carefully and got upset at me when I didn’t invest enough time in it. He called it “walking the dog”. “Your turn to walk the dog!” he’d insist.

      Sigh. Sweet memories!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Thinking of you, and the beautiful tree with candles you had with Vlad. Wishing you all the very best

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Park Avenue Christmas Tree Lighting | Wind Against Current

  12. What a pretty little miss. Glad that her being there helped you overcome the Christmas hurdle. Vlad would be pleased, in fact, I don’t doubt he is…watching over you day by day. All the best wished you throughout 2019, dear Johna.


  13. Pingback: Christmas, 2018 | Wind Against Current

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