Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused

By Vladimir Brezina

This week’s Photo Challenge is Unfocused.

Returning home after a few drinks, it’s sometimes hard to get the eyes to focus.

Supposedly, it was in such a state that Li Po died trying to embrace the reflection of the moon in the water…


Other “Unfocused” posts

As others have complained, last week WordPress pulled a fast one by suddenly starting to pre-check the “Notify me of follow-up comments via email” box for everyone leaving a comment on a WordPress post. It’s now opt-out rather than opt-in. Since I didn’t notice the switch, I received almost all the comments that other participants in the Weekly Photo Challenge left at The Daily Post announcing their “Unfocused” contributions. These emails have just been flooding in…

But rather than summarily deleting them, I took them as an opportunity to see, for once, what all of the other participants in the Challenge were up to.  Below I list (in no particular order) the contributions that I liked.

But, even though these are just a selection, there are still very many of them! I guess I like unfocused photos, which, almost no matter what the actual subject is, readily take on an abstract, often mysterious charm…

So, for this list to be less intimidating and a more useful guide for those who just want to see a few highlights, I think I’ll go through the list again and mark with an asterisk the contributions that I, for my own idiosyncratic reasons, really liked…

Still very many that I really liked! It’s just too hard to choose…

81 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused

  1. Beautiful! I’m often tempted to step out (lightly, of course) onto a moon trail & head out toward the horizon…


  2. Wow, great image! I would almost say ‘you need to drink more often’, but of course I won’t say that.


  3. Wow, that’s amazing.


  4. Agree with Marion! Take more pics when you drink :-)


  5. Just checked out Li Po! Thank God you were not kayaking when you shot this :-) And thanks for the pingback!


  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused « 3rdculturechildren

  7. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: Unfocused « The (Urban-Wildlife) Interface

  8. Wow, this is a stunning shot!!


  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused | Creativity Aroused

  10. Very soothing image. Nice way to end the day!


  11. Pingback: Photo Weekly Challenge: Unfocused | N. E. White

  12. Wow! That’s a great choice for this challenge! It must have looked totally awesome in real life..


    • It did!—what I remember of it ;-)

      Seriously, it was just one of the many totally awesome sights that presented themselves during the week I spent in 2010 on Glover’s Reef Atoll in Belize, a place I recommend highly! Many more photos from that week are here.


  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused « Ruth E Hendricks Photography

  14. Beautifully dark! Love it.


  15. Ahh great shot for this weeks theme! Thank you for pingback! :)


  16. Very beautiful and somehow very sad too.


  17. A perfect choice for this week’s challenge. Love it!


  18. truly lovely photo – and thanks for the pingback!


  19. Beautiful. Thanks for the pingback, btw.


  20. Not bad at all. ;-)


  21. WOW! I love your picture! It’s quite dramatic! :)


  22. By the way thank’s for the pingback. I forgot to say it before. :D


  23. Hmm, drinking and photo taking . . . looks like it works well! :)


  24. A beautiful photo – perhaps I should drink more :) Thanks for the ping back, Vladimir


  25. Beautiful pic Vladimir :) and thanks for the pingback.


  26. Thank you for the ping-back mention, Vladimir. Fascinating unfocused photo. Well done.


  27. thanks for the link!


  28. very dramatic. thanks for sharing.
    thank you also for the pingback. much appreciated! :)


  29. Returning home after a few drinks, it’s sometimes hard to get the eyes to focus – don’t fall into the water!


  30. Lovely photo, Vlad. Poor Li Po.


  31. Thank you Vladimir…just a nice take on the theme…reminded me of a similar scene I once saw at a beach…and hey thanks for the pingback!! :-)


  32. I really like your entry as well, Vladimir! Your picture looks very mysterious to me, also wild and beautiful.
    Thanks for the trackback, very much appreciated!


  33. This photo is lovely.


  34. This is an amazing one. Great work.


  35. This is so haunting! Nice photo.


  36. perfect harmony between the photo and the narrative. LOL!



  37. Thanks for the like and mention on your blog and the info about Li Po.


    • And thank you for all the “Summer” pingbacks!

      (It feels strange somehow to be commenting here about other posts that, when this post was posted, were still far in the future… :-) )


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