Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer, Take Two

By Vladimir Brezina

I’ve already posted one response to this week’s Photo Challenge, Summer. Here is another.

Glover’s Reef Atoll, Belize, with Slickrock Adventures. OK, it was in March, but there it’s always summer!

More photos are here.


Other nice takes on “Summer”:

50 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer, Take Two

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer | Wind Against Current

  2. I thought this didn’t look like the UK!!!


  3. May I prefer this one to the previous one? Lovely


  4. I prefer this one too. Love the first one.


  5. This is summer, through and through. Adorable photos :)


  6. I love the way the golen sunlight plays on the water – beautiful!


  7. Love your photos! Thank you for the share of my post :)


  8. Ha ha thanks for the pingback, Vlad! These pics are amazing, I love the silhouettes. Beilze is a far cry from Norfolk, that’s for sure! xxx


  9. Love the golden color. These are lovely. Thanks for the pingback!


  10. Allan G. Smorra

    I like the composition and color of the second photo. Great placement of sun and the horizontal elements.


  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer | Project 365 Challenge in 2012

  12. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Estate « Gironzolando per il mondo

  13. Really love these shots! Reminds me of being on the beach in California late in the evening. Beautiful!


    • Yes, indeed! I spent a number of years in southern California and I know what you mean. Except at sunrise and sunset, though, the views in California are usually much crisper—maybe it’s the dry air—whereas Belize was distinctly tropical, humid, the colors creamier…


  14. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: Summer (I) « The (Urban-Wildlife) Interface

  15. Great photos! Thanks for the pingbacks.


  16. You picture are always amazing vlad. I love this kind of picture with silhouette and sunset especially on the beach. I choose the third picture for the best.


  17. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer « Ruth E Hendricks Photography

  18. These are beautiful! I like the golden color and contrast with the dark silhouettes.


  19. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: “summer” « Just another wake-up call

  20. thanks for the pingback!!
    you too have lovely photos!! :)


  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Summer | A Beginner

  22. Love it! Beautiful!


  23. Thank you for the pingback, Vladimir! I love your summer photos, as well!


  24. Lovely photos…I love the monotone look…


  25. I did a standup paddle board last summer. I didn’t like it because I couldn’t use my camera. I’m lost without my camera! lol


  26. It must be great to have summer all year.
    Here in Flanders we’re happy to have a couple of months, some sunny weather.
    The eveninglight in your images is beautifull, the colors are warm.
    Ow, and thank you so much for the pingback.


    • It’s the tropics! Great to visit in February or March when the raw winter wind is sweeping through NYC, but with summer all year, I would start to miss the other seasons pretty soon…

      Of course, judging by this last winter, soon we might have summer all year round in NYC too…


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