Smart Mouse Trap

By Vladimir Brezina

A smart mouse-trap or a smart-mouse trap? Where are those hyphens when you need them? We’ll have to test this trapped mouse in the lab to see if it is a smart mouse. Probably it isn’t all that smart if it got trapped in a mouse trap, but then again, it is a smart mouse trap…

48 responses to “Smart Mouse Trap

  1. Look at pic #3… he is signing, “You have exactly 4 seconds to let me out of here OR ELSE!!!!”


    • LOL!

      I failed to understand his gesture at the time—another instance of human-animal miscommunication—but now that you’ve pointed it out, it’s only too obvious what he meant…

      Fortunately, the miscommunication did not lead, in this instance, to tragic results. I didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag :-), but this happened some time ago. And we did release him, although after considerably more than four seconds, in Central Park. Here is his first sniff of freedom:


  2. Please don’t test him/her in the lab! S/he looks really anxious to escape, as I would be…


  3. Aw, cute green mouse is released…I’m so glad :-)



    This is a very random post for you…what brought this on? I am vastly curious? : )


    • Not random at all, but part of a carefully thought-out plan :-)

      Our mouse post has been in the Drafts folder since 2011. The world was not yet ready for it—until now! And this is just a preliminary installment…

      Seriously, we have at least 50 draft posts that we began at one time or other, that we finish and post (or not) as the mood takes us, or, more and more these days, as our schedules permit…

      It’s not all about kayaking, you know ;-)


  5. He’s smart enough to now have reached some internet fame. ;-)
    Cute – from a distance.


  6. Johna Till Johnson

    Umm.. Vlad, darling, this was Souris, was it not? In which case it’s “she”….:-) Got to be gender-correct on this, right?


  7. We have used the HaveAHart friendly traps. They work well too, although i would be less intimidated to carry one of these to mouse freedom.


  8. Mouse! Eeek! Where did you find this trap (Although I’m hoping to NEVER have to look for it.)?


  9. Wow, the comments really enlarge the story, don’t they?


    • Well, I was just going to post a few photos and leave the story for another post, but my hand was forced ;-) Still, there is a lot more to the story than has so far emerged in these comments!


  10. nutsfortreasure

    Great ending

    I let them out and back in they come :(


  11. “Vastlycurious”, I wondered the same thing: “This is a very random post for you…what brought this on? I am vastly curious?” Beyond being curious, I was actually saddened to see the mouse in the trap. But after reading the response regarding it being released, I felt relieved. I don’t remember Central Park having any snakes (except in their zoo)…let’s hope this lil’ gal is truly a smart-mouse and stays out of the reptile house.
    Vladimir, thanks for practicing humane rodent control…I’m glad you’re nice to mice!


    • Well, the whole point of that kind of trap is to release the trapee—although I have my doubts whether the mouse is going to survive very long in Central Park.

      We are nice to mice, and cockroaches, and ants…nice to a fault! :-) We don’t want to kill them, but we really don’t want to live with them either…


  12. Poor wee beastie……….
    Glad to see you set ‘her’ free.


  13. You go around checking their gender??? :-D


  14. We also have non-lethal mouse traps at home. Although I can’t really say it’s super efficient (I tend to catch them more often when they’re trying to sneak in and out of the trash can, and then only do I put them in the trap, while they wait their release in the wilderness, i.e. the small path next to the canal)


  15. In photo #3 I kept seeing a little pair of spectacles perched on his nose, an unhappy Professor Mouse caught in such an undignified situation!


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