Late Summer in the Park

By Vladimir Brezina

DSC_0341 cropped smallAfter the stasis of deep Summer, when NYC’s Central Park remains, it would seem forever, darkly lush and green, there are now unmistakable signs of the end.  It’s still sunny and warm, and busy insects are still feeding from the late-summer flowers. But new colors are appearing here and there, as the days now with increasing rapidity take us into Fall…

(click on any photo to start slideshow)

These and a few more photos are here.

42 responses to “Late Summer in the Park

  1. Great series Vladimir but summer’s gone all too soon :-D


  2. Beautiful pics, Vlad! You’ve really captured the essence of the changing seasons. I have the same orange & black bugs on my milkweed; still investigating to see if they are “good” or “bad” bugs!


    • Thanks, Lynn! Of course, the true fall colors are still to come, and in NYC it might take another month for them to arrive…

      Are large milkweed bugs “good” or “bad” bugs? I would guess neither, really. They don’t bite or sting. But in large numbers they will probably damage your milkweed, if you are growing it, for instance, for your monarch butterflies. And they are seriously toxic for animals to eat. See here.


  3. I love your photos and you have brought to life my favorite season, autumn, and in NY no less, wonderful. Nikki


  4. Beautiful colours and impressions!



    Dripping with color ! Marvelous!


  6. Lovely collection of photos!


  7. This makes it easier to slide out of summer and slip into fall. Nice! :-)


  8. Gorgeous photos. The rich color and sharp imagery reminds me of why Fall is my favorite season!


  9. Wonderful gallery! Thanks!


  10. Vlad, you’ve really welcomed Fall with these beautiful pictures….


  11. thanks – ya took me to my happy place


  12. they were all awesome … especially the red berry one…


  13. Beautiful change of colors to welcome the fall. We usually don’t get that until mid October here in San Diego.


  14. Vladimir, You have quite the eye and talent. Thank you for such passionate work. Your travels are touching lives many-fold. The raw and natural elements of your photographs provide a view our Earth’s beauty in forms we seldom behold – making one stop and think. Perfect.


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