Travel Theme: Height

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Height.

When returning to New York City by plane, I always try to sit in a window seat. And these days, I look not so much at the land below, but at the water. One of the great pleasures of landing in New York is recognizing from above all the waters where we kayak, the bays and islands that we now know so intimately.

From a kayak, the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge appears gigantic—look how it dwarfs Fort Wadsworth to the right of it, itself a massive structure…

Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, from a kayak

… but from the air it is just a toy.

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Here’s the southwestern tip of Staten Island…

The Outerbridge Bridge, from a kayakDSC_0524 cropped small

… Gowanus Bay with the Loujaine

The Loujaine and the grain elevator in Gowanus Bay, from a kayakDSC_0537 cropped small

… and finally, the East River and its bridges!

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27 responses to “Travel Theme: Height

  1. You chaps have such fun on the water. Do you ever get down to Virginia Beach area!?


  2. The closeup yet low to the “water” perspective makes the bridges and barges seem really big, which I guess they are.
    Do you ever feel a little dwarfed and a little vulnerable in your kayak?


  3. Incredible photos!


  4. I never thought about kayaking around NYC or any urban area. How cool that would be! Quite a contrast from the kayaking we do on the lakes and rivers out west. Super cool perspective show in these photos.


  5. Vlad, do I detect you had your electronic device on lower than 10K feet? You’re such a rebel! These photos are fantastic! Once again, I will reiterate that you need to do a photo book: Bridge Perspectives, or Water Perspectives…or something more creative. But you know what I mean!


    • Actually, cameras don’t seem to be considered electronic devices. I think that perception dates from the days of film cameras, and even today most cameras don’t transmit… In any case, people often take photos during takeoff and landing, and even as I was taking these photos, I distinctly remember one of the cabin attendants walking by, seeing what I was doing, and not saying anything…

      Book? Maybe! Thanks for encouragement, Robin!!


  6. oureverydayadventures365

    Nice pic


  7. Great and interesting photos!


  8. Thanks for the view.


  9. Pingback: 10-7-13 Travel Theme: Height – Lower East Side Edition | The Quotidian Hudson

  10. Great pictures as always!


  11. Love that shot Vladimir and agree -all about the window seat in NYC!!


  12. I love the two perspectives for each spot!


  13. Living in the middle of the Cascade Mountains, with Mt Hood and Mt Adams as daily views. Height 11000-12000 feet. And now with fresh snow. I was wondering how you go the aerial shots from you kayak…lol.


  14. Pingback: Weekly Travel Theme: Height | unexpectedincommonhours

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