Travel Theme: Simplify

By Vladimir Brezina

Ailsa’s travel-themed photo challenge this week is Simplify.

We are bringing all that on our kayak trip? We should simplify!

All that stuff??

And we have. We’ve learned that Nature will provide what we need—

— an easy chair to relax in after a long paddle

Easy chair

— a beer cooler

Beer cooler

— a stove to cook dinner


Nature is very helpful these days ;-)

42 responses to “Travel Theme: Simplify

  1. Is that a dictator chair?!


  2. That’s my kind of simplify!


  3. Can’t believe you get all that in your canoe.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You guys are amazing!!! And as dictator, I would have a cup and a long loopy crazy straw. And my order of my dictatorship, would dictate nothing.
    Xo c!


  5. The first shot made me laugh. I hope all that stuff was for a group, a large group. :)


    • No, just the two of us. But a lot of what you see in the first photo are just empty bags, spread out. After some organization the load was much more compact. And to the extent that we did bring a lot, we did need to bring everything for an self-sufficient eight-day paddle, including all food and water…


  6. :-D :-D Great!


  7. Wonderful post….but how on earth did all that fit inside your kayaks? They must be like Dr Who’s tardis and break all the rules of time and space :-)


  8. Guten Start in die neue Woche wünsch ich ;-)


  9. One learns to be alert for luxury goods when traveling light, and you’ve done well. Rolling Block beer no less…


  10. looks like all you would need!…simplify was my word for last year…and it works wonders if you follow it!


  11. You need it all!


    • The easiest thing to do is to bring everything. But there’s a core group of items that you really need—the rest are nice to have but not essential. Unfortunately you only learn which items are which through bitter experience ;-)


  12. This was great…funny to see the huge amount of stuff in the first pic and how smart you’ve become by the last!
    I take as little as possible everywhere I go..i really HATE dragging stuff around: it wrecks the whole experience!


  13. As funny as that picture is, that’s exactly why the hubby and I drive to our vacations for our photography. Between the camera gear, tripods, several types of hiking boots, different weight of coats and outer gear (especially if we’re doing mountains and valleys), and just clothes, etc., we really can’t fly.

    Of course, our schedule is different than yours too, since we’re up early for sunrise and late for sunset / night shots. Afternoon is when we relax, nap, and get a nice meal.

    Hope all is well! I’m enjoying the pictures as always.



    • Our trips are also a lot more relaxing when we can drive, rather than fly. We don’t have to think about whether to bring this item or that one—we can bring both! But in the end we still have to pack everything into the boats, and we know that if we bring both, at least one will get in the way. So the hard choice has merely been postponed… :-)

      Thanks, Nancy!!


  14. Love you beer cooler :)


  15. Pingback: Simply Hashing – Bhimdhunga, Kathmandu | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  16. I’d put air quotes around “Nature” :)


  17. Even as we talk about what we shouldn’t bring kayak camping we’re always coming up with even more to replace the space with.


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